Trist, Chaos Moon, Valhom

Ars Magna

Ars Magna Recordings
Feb 25, 2007
United States
Greetings all!

Our new releases are finally in after major delays with artwork, pressing, etc. A couple of you had asked about Trist a while back so I thought I would just throw out a post so I didn't miss anyone. I'll be sending out emails in the next day or so, as well. Since I am posting here I will try to to hit any of you since it would be old new by that time.

There is a track from each release linked here for download. They are also up on our soundclick page if you don't feel like downloading.

Trist - Stiny "Stiny"
Chaos Moon - Languor Into Echoes, Beyond "Waning"
Valhom - Despair "Poison Which Flows In My Veins"

Because these releases were a kick to the nuts of the old bottom line, we've also put some stuff up on eBay. Check it if you're feeling randy.

edit: I forgot to mention that we are having a swell sale if you buy all 3...$18 US/Canada & $24 everywhere else, postage paid.
Terrorizer just had an article on a band called Trist, but it might have been a different band because they were talking about a different album as their latest release.
Nope. This is the Czech Republic 'Trist'. Members of Hyperborean Desire, Life is Pain, Deep-pression (I think ex now), and ex-Silva Nigra.

The German Trist is most likely the one featured in Terrorizer. That's a guy from Lunar Aurora if I'm not mistaken.
I got these yesterday, and I've just now had a chance to listen to them all once.

Trist is my favorite, so far. I REALLY like the recording on this. It seems very natural. The drums are nicely placed in the mix. A lot of BM like this just buries the drums. This album has a nice haunting sound, and I'm actually going to say it is in my top 10 favorite BM albums of 2007 right now.

Chaos Moon is great as well. Their sound is a little more traditional than the haunting feeling that Trist goes for, but I like that they don't get generic sounding. This one could definitely grow on me.

Valhom is the more brutal band in the bunch. The drums and guitars really drive this band. If you're into fierce, but not pummeling BM, this is an excellent find.

I still need many more listens, but I'm very happy with my $18 purchases so far. You need to get these out to some mags/sites for review!
Glad to hear you're pelased so far, Nate!! The media/review campaign begins this week. I've been so busy getting orders and a few trades out that promos have yet to be sent.

Thanks for the encouraging words and thanks again for the order!!