CHAOS MOON - Languor Into Echoes, Beyond

Ars Magna

Ars Magna Recordings
Feb 25, 2007
United States
I have been meaning to post a track or two for you to check out as I believe some of you might really enjoy this cd (and its counter release, Origin of Apparition, out on Wraith Productions). The good people at Invisible Oranges have posted a review, along with two full tracks for dl.

The full review, complete with tracks, can be found here. Here's a quick snippet of the review:

"I'm normally not a fan of keyboards, but Chaos Moon use them to shoegazer effect much like how Wolves in the Throne Room do nowadays. Check out the delicate clean tones that wander into, then engulf "The Palterer" - they're like the second coming of Cocteau Twins. Then billowy keys flow over the top, and we're in slow dance land. Amazing. When "Hymn to Iniquity" goes shoegazer at 1:15, one can almost picture the Jesu colored vinyl. Actually, we (and Jesu) are now at the point where black metal is heavier - yet lighter. And the closing 12:38 behemoth? M83 gone black metal. Immense."

I'm obviously a little biased, but I can't recommend this album (or this band) enough. This album marks the first time I have ever received emails from people thanking me for releasing something and going into great detail as to how it impacted them. I received three of them. Great stuff.
I've had this for a while, and it is definitely good. But nobody ever listens to me until something I recommend has become a trend (Negura Bunget, Gojira, Manes, etc.).
Cool. Glad to hear that you liked it. I'm usually in the same boat with recommending music to people. Metal folk don't trust me because I listen to questionable non-metal and the non-metal folk don't trust me because I listen to metal. It's a vicious cycle. :loco:
Okay, so I must admit that I went and pirated this album because I've been spending a lot of money on CDs as of late, and its a trend that I can't continue for much longer. However, upon hearing the album and loving it, you can expect an order from me either today or tomorrow. And hell, since I'm a junky I'll probably grab a few other albums as well.

Shit, this album has atmosphere. The passage with the sample from Memento... thats the kind of thing that would come off as really cheesy and cliche on most albums, but instead :OMG:

Yeah, I'm buying this fucker. This gets my vote for the next stickied reco.
This is high quality bm here. Great dynamics in each song, with a great sense of melody throughout. 'Palterer' and 'hymn iniquity' are are standouts, as well as the last track. I'll definitely be buying this from the distro ars, in a week or two when i have some money :loco: How does this album compare to the one before this?
How does this album compare to the one before this?

The biggest difference between the two is the production. Origin has a much more raw sound, but they are both amazing IMO. Definitely two of my favorites over the past couple of months.

Edit: the majority of the material for the two albums was written over the same 3 year span so, apart from the diferences in production, the material is fairly similar.

Here's two mp3's and a review i wrote for the album. Perhaps we'll get one more person into em :loco:

Chaos Moon - Languor Into Echoes, Beyond

Chaos Moon, hailing from Tennessee, have come out with the surprise of the year for me. I really don't know much background on this band, only that they released one EP in 2004. This album 'Languor Into Echoes, Beyond' is supposed to be the counter album to another album 'Origin of Apparition' also released in 2007. 'Languor' was the first thing i had heard from the band, and needless to say i'm extremely impressed.

The music that Chaos Moon makes could broadly be called atmospheric black metal. It's much more than that though, as i will attest to throughout the review. On the surface the band mixes great riffs with shrieking vocals and depending on the song, syth/keyboards. The first track is a faster paced number with speedy riffs, howled vocals and a dark middle section. The band does not throw every- thing at you on this track, instead opting more for a straight forward approach. The next track is similar with more speedy riffing and a fast pace. At around one minute an absolutely godly riff comes out of nowhere, reminding me somewhat of French black metal. That is a comparison that can be made for 'Languor'; the riffing on this album sounds similar to something that would come out of that scene. In my mind, French black metal is some of the best in the genre, and the riffs are so damn good. Sounding original, sinister, warm yet always melodic, they cut right through you. Chaos Moons riffs are of this variety and it elevates their music to a much higher level. Another blazing number, 'Waning' is the third track of the album. After around thirty seconds we get another riff coming in that has that melancholic edge to it. Blasting drums and howled vocals complement the song. Not many bands are able to take a three minute song and make it sound so epic, but they're able to.I don't want to name drop too much in this review, but its a quality Abigor did well in their day. This song ends with some sparse clean guitar, and in my mind ends the first part of the album.

'Simulacrum Of Mirrors' at fourteen minutes, is the longest track on the album. It stands alone as the mid point of the album, and divides the style between the earlier tracks and last three. Beginning with some keyboards, the guitars soon make their appearance. As opposed to the earlier tracks, the keyboards take a much more prominent role from here on. The bass can also be heard, rumbling along with the keyboard. More quality riffs abound, countering the rasped vocals. The music takes a more atmospheric tone here, and highly is introspective. The keyboards drench this song in a mysterious and ethereal sound. At around six minutes, the music stops and a movie sample can be heard. From i understand they're from Memento. I have not seen it myself, but i've heard it is quite the ambiguous film. Serene synths carry the song for awhile until the next sample:

"I don't even know how long she's been gone. It's like I've woken up in bed and she's not here... because she's gone to the bathroom or something. But somehow, I know she's never gonna come back to bed. If I could just... reach over and touch... her side of the bed, I would know that it was cold, but I can't. I know I can't have her back... but I don't want to wake up in the morning, thinking she's still here. I lie here not knowing... how long I've been alone. So how... how can I heal? How am I supposed to heal if I can't... feel time?"

Synths bathe the listener one last time before the track comes to a close. We move to the last portion of the album starting with 'The Palterer.' Although it starts off as a speedy affair much like the earlier tracks of the album, eventually it spirals out into a slow section. With clean guitars and keyboards, this is a very tranquil and trance inducing section. It feels like you're floating above the clouds, weightless with not a care to speak of. Lethargic strums give way to a synth break only to be pulled back into chaos once again. It is a great transition, and Chaos Moon pull it off effortlessly. This song reminds me a little of the American band Nachtmystium, especially on their last album. 'Hymn To Iniquity' continues on this path of atmospheric black metal.The music flows calmly like its passing you by. The riffs and keyboards have a stunning beauty to them. Soon all the instruments fade out except a keyboard, playing a radiant melody. The guitars come roaring back riding along side the melody for awhile before dropping out of the chase again. Right before the song ends, the vocals make their intentions heard for one last time. This is an amazing track and it shows what Chaos Moon are capable of.

The final track of the album is also probably the best. 'Countless Reverie In Mare' starts with keyboards playing along with guitars before the opening shriek comes in. The keyboards play a bouncy melody in the backround while the guitars sing sadly. The beautiful keyboards eventually come to the forefront for a minute before being joined again by harsh vocals. I mentioned the French scene earlier in the review, and i must bring it up again. At around three minutes, the song goes into a bridge that sounds like the best moments of Alcest's 'Le Secret.' This is why i listen to music, that riff right there. That riff is life flashing before your eyes. That's the hope, despair, joy of every moment you're alive. When i hear that riff i can't help but draw breath it's that beautiful. The song glides through a few more movements before ending again on that perfect riff. There's really nothing more that needs to be said about this track. 'Countless Reverie In Mare' is simply a stunning song.

In summing things up, Chaos Moon deliver everything i want out of Black metal. The album is full of music that has darkness, melancholy, hope and beauty. Everything is just about perfect on this album, and i'm so glad i discovered it. This is what keeps me coming back to this type of music.
wow, i ordered this album from arse magma after reading the description and checking out their myspace trax...didn't even see this thread first, hope it's as good as youse guys suggest :headbang:
Ok, late to the party on this, shame on me. While a bit uneven, this is definitely a high quality slab of atmospheric & melodic black metal. My favorite tracks are "Waning" (which is definitely the most immediate track on the album and had me headbanging from the word go with it's incredibly infectious lead riff - this would be an outstanding opening track in a live setting), as well as "Hymn to Iniquity" & "Countless Reverie In Mare" (two exquisite examples of soulful, atmospheric pieces of art - at once both hypnotic & emotive). The riff that begins at the 2:44 mark of "Hymn to Iniquity" is absolutely unforgettable and just jaw dripping with emotion.

The only real drawbacks for me personally are the at times high pitched "squealy" quality of the growls, I much prefer the vocals when the pitch is kept at lower levels. In addition, the opening track "De Mortalitate" doesn't do the rest of the album justice IMO with it's too straightforward and well..... "chaotic" sound without any real discernable melody or groove. I don't think it does a very good job at setting the table for the mood of the album to come and may put off those with short attention spans. Lastly, I could do without the 7 minute keyboard passage that ends the song "Simulacrum of Mirrors" - I think what they were going for there could've been condensed to about a minute and been far more effective instead of lulling me to sleep. Otherwise, the track is solid.

Very cool stuff overall and I'm greatly looking forward to checking these guys out at Heathen Crusade III. If they perform "Waning", "The Palterer", "Hymn to Iniquity" & "Countless Reverie in Mare" and do so effectively - they have a great chance at being one of the more memorable acts of the festival.

Thanks again to Ars Magna for not giving up and continuing to nudge me in their direction.
