Trivium Dying In Your Arms Cover Mix Test

I found the mix as a whole to be very thin and lacking life. Performance wise, it's not bad, but as a mix there are some improvements that could be made. It lacks a lot of bottom end and perhaps a little midrange. I also think the overheads on your drums have too much high end. The bass could benefit from having less distortion and I think the guitars could use just a little more balancing out as well.
I like the first mix better. The bass in the second one still seems pretty out of place. It's definitely a vast improvement over your initial mix though. If I had some time, I'd cover this one myself -- unless, of course, you wanted to share the tracks :lol:. But back to my point, I like the Mix A that you posted lately. If anyone else chimes in, they may have some points that I may not have notices. But I like it, personally.
I listened to the A clip, so my text is based on that:

The bass is really overpowering IMO. And like SkylarWanke said, it could benefit from having less distortion like the original.
I like the guitars, quite close to the original (at least the leads!) but they come out muddy - maybe because of the bass.
Drums could be a bit punchier (kick and snare mostly).

Overall, it's quite good based on your experience! :)

PS. Some of the bass lines are "wrong" (like playing one octave above the original line) but it's a matter of taste. :D
IDK if I want to share the tracks because lol @ the solo. If you really want them, I'll post them, but I'll probably wind up re tracking the solo.

I just checked this thread, many days late, sorry. I haven't been able to do anything mix wise lately because of homework issues, but thanks guys for the crits. I really appreciate it.