

Apr 14, 2001
VINNIE VINCENT Hard At Work On New Album - Dec. 6, 2002

Former KISS guitarist Vinnie Vincent (a.k.a. Vincent Cusano) has been writing and recording new material at a Los Angeles studio for an album that may or may not surface under the VINNIE VINCENT INVASION moniker. No further information on the project is available at this time.

In related news, the jury deciding the fate of a man accused of killing Vincent's ex-wife AnnMarie Cusano told the judge Thursday they are having trouble coming to a verdict.

Cusano, who worked as an escort, had gone to Gregory McArthur's Hartford, Connecticut boarding house for a "paid date". He later confessed and led them to her body.

The jury is also asking the judge to clarify the difference between manslaughter and murder.

McArthur, 42, has pleaded innocent to charges of murder, felony murder and first-degree robbery.
Already read that, but thanks :grin:

I have even more information on it too, from certain emails by Vinnie himself :grin: :D Not to me though :( Some girl forwarded them to me. I do have his email address now though hehe. Woohoo!

Anyway, the new album is gonna have the same production, guitar sound, style and vibe as the first VVI album! My favourite album of all time!

Its also most likely gonna be Robert Fleischmann doing lead vocals! (From the first album!) If not, he will be finding someone with a similar high ear piercing voice, but it will mostly likely be Robert.

:grin: I can't tell you how happy I am!

:rock: Vinnie Vincent, you shall bring hair metal to the forefront of rock once again! What a legend! Who else would do an album in the style of "Vinnie Vincent Invasion" (first album) in 2003? Hehehe.

Also, to those who think he is egotistical and doesn't care about his fans, he isn't. I've never known anybody to take so much notice of their fans opinion in planning an album in my life. He is going to great lengths. He's been reading all the message boards and everything just to see what people's opinions are on his other stuff so he knows what they want. For example alot of fans like myself didn't like the lack of rhythm guitar under the solos on his '96 EP. He said in an email he noticed alot of fans didn't like that (even tho he prefers his solos to stand out on their own) so on the new record he's having rhythm guitar underneath.

He is so nice. What a champ. I love him.

Smashed, you mean of Robert? Yeah I have. He has a new solo album out, its really good melodic hard rock. He looks different now. Very trendy heh. His look never fitting with Invasion's anyway though, they all looked very '80s metal with their hair and makeup, and he looked like a singer from an '80s pop group.

Spawny he sure does :rock: That man is nothin' but a true rocker! Hats off to him for ignoring every trend and still rocking out like it was 1986! :grin: