Blamming killing on gaming, again.

Dec 27, 2004
This time the murderers blamed a game:

Brazilian killers say game called for murder
Family’s slaying raises questions about role-playing games
Image: Brazilian murder suspects.
Fernando Ribeiro / AP
Suspects Ronald Ribeiro Rodrigues, 22, left, and Mayderson Vargas Mendes, 21, seen at a police station, in Guarapari, Brazil, said that they bound, drugged, and killed three people as part of a game.

The Associated Press
Updated: 7:34 a.m. ET May 31, 2005

RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil - The crime was shocking by any standard — a family of three bound, drugged and shot in the head at close range in their beds. Then, a twist: The killers said it was all a game, and the penalty for losing was death.

When they were arrested on May 13, Ronald Ribeiro Rodrigues, a 22-year-old glass worker, and Mayderson Vargas Mendes, an unemployed 21-year-old, confessed to the murder of 21-year-old physics student Tiago Guedes and his parents, Douglas and Heloisa, in Guarapari, a seaside city of 230 miles northeast of Rio de Janeiro.

They said the killings were part of a role-playing game whose rules required the loser to let the winners kill him and his family.

“The suspects are very cool about what they did. They know what they did was wrong and that they will have to pay,” said Espirito Santo state police inspector Alexandre Lincoln Capela. “But I believe, from what I have seen, even going to prison is part of the game for them.”

Murder part of game-playing subculture?
The case drew national attention and threw a spotlight on the subculture of role-playing games, which often employ occult imagery. Legislators in Espirito Santo state hastily introduced a bill to ban the games, and priests and pastors across Brazil penned sermons denouncing them.

“We must put the brakes on anything that encourages violence in our state,” said Espirito Santo state assemblyman Robson Vaillant.

But some experts on the games have cast doubt on the killers’ stories, saying their account doesn’t fit with the traditions of such games — the best-known of which is Dungeons & Dragons — in which players assume characters and develop stories within the boundaries of elaborately defined fantasy worlds.

Rodrigues’ mother told reporters she had never heard of role-playing games and that her son never played them.

And on Web sites and bulletin boards devoted to role-playing games, enthusiasts argue that the crime was a simple robbery and homicide, and the suspects are blaming the game in hopes of escaping punishment.

By claiming the family died as the result of a game, the suspects are entitled to a jury trial in which they are expected to plead temporary insanity. If they had confessed to robbery and homicide, a judge would have sentenced them. Brazil has no death penalty.

The case had parallels to the 2001 slaying of an 18-year-old woman, who was stabbed to death in the colonial city of Ouro Preto. Police claimed she had been playing a game over three days that included a bet that the loser would die. No one has been convicted.

Grisly account raises doubts
But police said the game that left the Guedes family dead lasted only five hours. Guedes assumed the role of a policeman named Flavio, Mendes played a demon and Rodrigues was the wizard who ran the game.

Police said it wasn’t clear how Guedes lost, but when he did, the players went to the bank where Guedes cleaned out his account, withdrawing $1,745.

Guedes then helped the two others to tie up and drug his elderly parents, Douglas and Heloisa, and watched as both were shot in the head. Finally, he was subjected to the same fate.

The suspects stole a computer from his house before leaving, police said.

To enthusiasts of role-playing games, the police version is full of holes. They say games can last for months or years and that there are no winners and losers, and never any betting.

Rodrigues and Mendes were working-class men who had known each other for more than 10 years and met the middle-class Guedes only on the day of the killing. It seemed more than suspicious that Guedes was the loser, and that they were playing at his home with his parents there to watch.

Rodrigues’ mother, Lucimara Rodigues Ribeiro, told the local newspaper A Tribuna that she had never heard of role-playing games.

“My son never played them at home,” she said. “He’s a good boy, and never behaved strangely.”

But in an interview with the same newspaper, Rodrigues said he became so caught up in the game that he didn’t actually believe the victims would die.

“When you create a character it seems like you’re in a real game — like you’re in a forest, in the middle of lots of beasts,” he said. “The game’s not over. We’re going to continue playing.”
Did you hear about the dudes that were selling equipment in some RPG for actual cash? Like $600 for some wacky sword or something. Anyhow, some fucker let another fucker borrow such a sword, and then the dude sold it to some other dude, for actual currency. So the original dude killed the dude that sold the sword.

WTF. What the hell kind of mind can't seperate fantasy from reality? I mean these are living breathing people that hold normal lives and normal jobs and then just freak out and do something stupid like this. Again, WTF.
depends on your definition of "normal lives"... does such a thing actually exist, or does it just seem like that on the surface, to passive observers?

when i used to play Diablo II, people sold items from the game on ebay all the time. i never did it, but some things sold for hundreds, and sometimes they were things that i had. we used to take that game pretty seriously, but never to the extent of blurring the line between game and reality.
Gaming is a drug, no doubt. I spent over 700 hours on World of Warcraft in 3.5 months before I decided I needed to kick the habit.
Tranquillian said:
Gaming is a drug, no doubt. I spent over 700 hours on World of Warcraft in 3.5 months before I decided I needed to kick the habit.

Likewise, it wasn't that much, but pretty close. I haven't played in about two months!
I think my character is currently like level 26 or something... one of these days I'll go back to it.

Fun/Terrifying story: My friend Matt, after inspecting his "hours played" menu in the original Everquest, found out that he had spent 30 days in 2003 playing. Yes folks, this kid spent 1/12 of his entire year playing Everquest... not to mention all of the surfing and chatting he does as well. GROSS.