Try in my own song


Jan 2, 2011
I recorded this in the morning, it is a bit sloppy i know.
But i was just wondering what my guitar,drum and bass settings will sound in a mix so i recorded the 1st Half of the Song.älfte+Bass.mp3

I think i do not get the Guitar Tone as well as you guys in the forum...
I don't know, is weird about it, I am using TSE X50 for the 2 left and TSE X30 for the right guitars.
About the bass...yeah i have no idea how to bring it in the mix the right way. I am just playing around with it until i think its okay :D

maybe you could give me some tips and feedback on the mix.

Why x50 on the left and x30 on the right?

Both have a good sound but they're so different it bothers me. Personally i like the x50 side more.

There's no bass?

And the drums seem a bit dry.

Overall not too bad dude but i'd ditch the x30 and use x50 on both sides
Thank you for your post
as i said there is a bass in the mix, but i don't know how to get it properly sitted in the overall mix
i've a clean and a distorted channel...both are centred

i'll try it with the x50 :)