Trying out my new signature


Aug 4, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Visit site
Ok so the image isnt that new...ive been using it on for ages now...but just added it to my profile here.

This is also a shameless plug for you all to visit my website and check out my gallery...if you feel like it.


I dunno if it will be like it in the message...but at the moment those 3 headbanger dudes are all banging at different looks cool as hell! :)
It is a cool picture, but I do have issues with the size. It's taking up a quarter of my screen, and I like to run at resolutions higher than the "norm" (probably not as high as those freaky artist types, granted, but that's only because this POS monitor can't handle the refresh rates)
Oh yeah...and i run at 1024x768 on a 14" laptop screen with a double sized task bar...and it doesnt seem to be that big on my screen :p

My monitor on my Sony Trinitron 17" can run at something like 1800x1600 or something enourmous...totally un usable without a magnifying glass hehe.
Blitzkrieg said:
Do you have a problem with mine? It has been brought to my attention that mine is quite large. :D

Blitz: Yes. But you never asked for an opinion on yours, and I'm much too polite to bring it up. Although reading back Salty didn't ask for opinions either. So maybe I'm not to polite to bring it up.
Glad to be at YOUR service...I aim to disgust :)

Now the question begs to me...was it the suck! first comment...haha just kidding man comment? Or did my spontaneous rendition of Drizzt actually disgust you? hehe
Ive had people before who when they leave their first message on my art, or when i first post something somewhere they blurt out how shit it is, but joking around...kinda like a obligation...

Was your comment one of those comments? Or did the work actually disgust you?

If it did digust you, any hints as to why?