Trying out my new signature

/me readjusts the wavelength meter so we are both on the same one...

I mean the Drizzt picture that you left the comment said that it or I disgusted you because it sucked so bad...

Was that a joking around comment or were you serious? If serious, what dont you like about it?

Your not one of those "His eyes are violet and you have clearly used a shade of lavender!" nerds are you?
OK, we are seriously different wavelengths, then. I didn't leave any comments anywhere other than here. I'll go and see if I can track down that one now, though.

whoever you are.

Im really of the opinion though...of love my art or hate my all about reaction. I love when people see a peice that I do and go...dude your fucked in the head...thats sick, as much as I love when people actually enjoy my work and give it praise.