trying to make an IR of my car stereo, can any convolution pros give me some guidance


May 3, 2004
so it occured to me that the easiest place for me to judge a mix is in my car stereo since ive been listening to it for a good 5 years. whenever I burn my stuff on a cd to check on my car system its very obvious to me where the flaws are and helps me judge the highs and low mids well

So I had the idea to make an impulse response of my car stereo and one from my listening position infront of the computer, so i can then put that on my master bus and mix through it and essentially have a mix from the perspective of my car stereo (which i want)

I made a sine wave sweep in voxengo deconvolver and recorded the output with a mic in omni position inside my car where my head is, and i did the same infront of my monitors, but from here im not sure what to do... How should I process these files I have in order to create an impulse response that essentially turns the recording of the sine sweep infront of my monitors into the recording of the sine sweep in my car? would i just select the recording infront of the monitors as my source file in deconvolver instead of the sine sweep wav?
I don't think it would out too well. Reason being that you would be mixing based not only how your car sounds, but how your car's space/stereo sounds in the room you are mixing in. The only effective way I can think of to get a good mix on your car's stereo is to literally mix through your car's stereo. A laptop DAW with a line-out cable from the interface's out or even the laptop's output going into maybe an AUX in on the stereo could make this possible. Otherwise I think you will be battling with a room inside a room kinda deal.

I don't think it would out too well. Reason being that you would be mixing based not only how your car sounds, but how your car's space/stereo sounds in the room you are mixing in. The only effective way I can think of to get a good mix on your car's stereo is to literally mix through your car's stereo. A laptop DAW with a line-out cable from the interface's out or even the laptop's output going into maybe an AUX in on the stereo could make this possible. Otherwise I think you will be battling with a room inside a room kinda deal.


yeah, I really wish my head unit on my car had a line in and I would be all over this, unfortunately it doesnt, and even if i got a new head unit with a line in the eq on it wouldnt be the same and I would lose the effect

I just tried taking curveEQ and matching the monitor file with the car file and putting that on my master bus, surprisingly though it seems to actually help some, gives me that harsh treble boost im used to in my car that make overly bright cymbols and esses obvious

an good example is the veil of maya cd, it sounds pretty shitty on my monitors, very dark/weird sounding, but in my car its super heavy. listening to it with this curveeq filter on seems to give me some of that same sheen. im hoping making an impulse will be even more accurate though
Oh please, this isn't Gearslutz - I admit those monitors don't have a great rep, but "there lies the problem, spend more money" is hardly constructive, any monitors can be learned.
...says the person with rokits in their avatar pic
