TS9: First results. (clip inside)

Glenn Fricker

Very Metal &Very Bad News
Mar 6, 2005
22 Acacia Avenue
Ok folks, here's my first test run with the Ibanez Tubescreamer in front of a Mk1 5150.

Signal chain as follows:

Marshall V30 cab
Audix i5
Great River Mp2NV
Empirical Labs Distressor
RME Fireface

The heavy chords were quad-tracked between my Washburn 29 fret & a Godin that looks like it belongs in a lumberyard...... The band I have in right now is sort of pop metal/punk, so the tune isn't the heaviest. However, I think this is a pretty good proof of concept.

I must give thanks to Mr. James Murphy for this quote: "i love how so many of you will shun the idea of active pick ups and putting stomp boxes like a TS or Maxon in front of an amp... yet when it comes time to list your favorite albums and/or guitar ones, andy's and colin's feature heavily in many of the same people's top picks... clearly you DO like active pick ups and TS on the front end... clearly you do."

That certainly peaked my interest! Thanks James!

Here's the clip:

http://www.spectresound.ca/sound/TS9 test.mp3

OzNimbus said:
Ok folks, here's my first test run with the Ibanez Tubescreamer in front of a Mk1 5150.

Signal chain as follows:

Marshall V30 cab
Audix i5
Great River Mp2NV
Empirical Labs Distressor
RME Fireface

The heavy chords were quad-tracked between my Washburn 29 fret & a Godin that looks like it belongs in a lumberyard...... The band I have in right now is sort of pop metal/punk, so the tune isn't the heaviest. However, I think this is a pretty good proof of concept.

I must give thanks to Mr. James Murphy for this quote: "i love how so many of you will shun the idea of active pick ups and putting stomp boxes like a TS or Maxon in front of an amp... yet when it comes time to list your favorite albums and/or guitar ones, andy's and colin's feature heavily in many of the same people's top picks... clearly you DO like active pick ups and TS on the front end... clearly you do."

That certainly peaked my interest! Thanks James!

Here's the clip:


np... one note: there was a typo in my quote. "guitar ones" should have been "guitar tones". my bad.
OzNimbus said:
Ok folks, here's my first test run with the Ibanez Tubescreamer in front of a Mk1 5150.

Yes sound great, very thick sound, I like it a lot!!!
5150 always wins a sound test ehehe!
Audix was a big surprise to me, I listened to a clip here and soon bought a new one, amazing sound, a very brighter sound compared to sm57.
Soon I'll post clips, for a comparison.

Clip sounds good.

Any chance of an A/B, screamer/no screamer, comparison?

Edit: The reason I ask is that I'm finding with my new Randall, that 1 gain channel is just a little to harsh in I guess the upper mids to highs. But otherwise has a character that I really like. I kinda fixed it with an eq pedal but that ave is just way too noisey.

And the other channel, while smoother and pretty nice, is way too flabby, 'open' and overly warm in the low end - low mids.

So I'm thinking I'll try a Maxon TS copy(wanted to get one anyway), but it would be nice to hear an A/B to get some idea.
I used to have 5150. Rhythm channel (crunch mode on) with the Boss SD-1 or TS-9 is crushing. I changed 5150 to ENGL Savage and that's all I want. Best distortion I've ever heard.
Degenerate said:
Clip sounds good.

Any chance of an A/B, screamer/no screamer, comparison?

Edit: The reason I ask is that I'm finding with my new Randall, that 1 gain channel is just a little to harsh in I guess the upper mids to highs. But otherwise has a character that I really like. I kinda fixed it with an eq pedal but that ave is just way too noisey.

And the other channel, while smoother and pretty nice, is way too flabby, 'open' and overly warm in the low end - low mids.

So I'm thinking I'll try a Maxon TS copy(wanted to get one anyway), but it would be nice to hear an A/B to get some idea.

Sorry, we didn't have time to track an A/B comparison. Needless to say, with the TS-9 switched off, the sound was considerably muddier. The pedal seems to broaden the midrange, smooth out the highs, make the mud dissapear, and make the distortion a little more "savage" if you will. I found myself using a little post eq... a notch at 500hz and a very slight boost at 4k.
The most important thing I noticed is how well the TS tracks worked in a mix.... suddenly the guitars aren't stepping all over the bass guitar anymore. Everything has more breathing room.

On a side note, I let the band listen to it on the car stereo today, and they were more than pleased. In actuality, it's the first time I've taken something out to the car and not found myslef wanting to change a million things at first listen.... I'm one happy engineer!

OzNimbus said:
Sorry, we didn't have time to track an A/B comparison. Needless to say, with the TS-9 switched off, the sound was considerably muddier. The pedal seems to broaden the midrange, smooth out the highs, make the mud dissapear, and make the distortion a little more "savage" if you will. I found myself using a little post eq... a notch at 500hz and a very slight boost at 4k.
The most important thing I noticed is how well the TS tracks worked in a mix.... suddenly the guitars aren't stepping all over the bass guitar anymore. Everything has more breathing room.

On a side note, I let the band listen to it on the car stereo today, and they were more than pleased. In actuality, it's the first time I've taken something out to the car and not found myslef wanting to change a million things at first listen.... I'm one happy engineer!

told ya :p
I'm still debating using the FAT Multiscream live... it definitely breathed some fire into our studio tone... but its one more thing to plug in and worry about (I like the simplest live rig possible, and right now I use no pedals at all)
"...........she waits........."

' .......... for me ........... "


"to COME UNDONE.........(come undone)........"

something like that ?
Yeah, it's not really the heaviest song... but the vocalist certainly isn't that whiny!! :loco:
This one's a bit more of a 'singalong anthem' than anything. I'll post the final mix when it's done.
