TS9 in FX or before pre...


Jan 10, 2005
I have a TS9 that have been using in front of my 5150 combo for a little twang in my sound for my blues-rock band. I am about to start writing with this drummer to do some heavy polyrhythmic stuff a la Meshuggah but more grooves and normal riffs...not overusing the plyrhythms, lol. I was trying to search for it, but nothing came up on pages 1-50 of the search, heh, so I was wondering if anyone can answer for me...

I know the settings, etc, that Andy uses for his TS9 and 5150 that he posted a long time ago...but, I don't recall if he had it in the FX loop or before the amp (between the guitar and the amp)...does anyone remember?

Yeap... Guitar -> Maxon808 -> MXR Smart Gate -> Krizznank for me.

The dudes in KSE use the Boss NS-2 that has the loop and they run their 808's in the loop of the boss, then boss into head.

I've tried using a noise gate in the loop before and it never behaved properly. Ive tried em in serial loops, parallel loops, adjustable loops, etc... always works best for me as last pedal in chain right into amp.
EtherForBreakfast said:
Yeap... Guitar -> Maxon808 -> MXR Smart Gate -> Krizznank for me.

The dudes in KSE use the Boss NS-2 that has the loop and they run their 808's in the loop of the boss, then boss into head.

I've tried using a noise gate in the loop before and it never behaved properly. Ive tried em in serial loops, parallel loops, adjustable loops, etc... always works best for me as last pedal in chain right into amp.

I do the same thing as the KSE guys, however, with my 6505+ it's still a bit noisy (not bad, just noticeable when I'm not playing.) I'm getting an ISP decimator to fix the problem (hopefully.)
One thing I have never been able to really try, is using a noise gate. I recommended the ISP Decimator for my friend when he asked me about hiss problems with his amp. It worked great in the loop and before the amp for him, but when I used it on my amp, it never worked. I tried it in the loop, before the amp, I even hooked my wah up, and had the ISP after the way, just to try different things. Not once did it kill anything for me.

I have always used the low gain input on my 5150, just sounds better to me.

My problem is that I want that signature 5150 tone, but without any noise at all. I've heard it done before. It's possible. But I can't get it to work. I've tried the HUSH Super C rackmount unit, HUSH pedal, the ISP Decimator pedal and the BOSS NS-2 pedal. All in the loop and before the amp...none worked. They all worked on my friend's Laney, my boss' Marshalls and even my Dual Recto...but not on my 5150. I don't understand it. Any thoughts?

I'm in the same boat as Kazrog as far as the KSE set up along with the noise that still comes through when you're not playing. It doesn't really bother me at all. My other guitarist is running an NS-2 direct to 5150II and has no noise at all. I'm pretty sure it's because he's using passive pickups (ghey!!)....

Have you put foam around the tremolo springs inside your guitar? (if applicable)--that cut out some noise for me as well.
Hey guys...

I would guess (just a guess) that the 5150II has an effects loop that is series, and not parallel as might be the case with the original 5150 (again a guess), hence why the noise is gone. A parallel effects loop is actually better as far as using something like a delay as the direct signal still runs parallel with the effected the siganl so your tone does not get colored by the effect itself, and you would use the delay out and not a mixed out of a rack delay. The problem is that there is signal you can't control with your hush/noise supressor...


006 said:
One thing I have never been able to really try, is using a noise gate. I recommended the ISP Decimator for my friend when he asked me about hiss problems with his amp. It worked great in the loop and before the amp for him, but when I used it on my amp, it never worked. I tried it in the loop, before the amp, I even hooked my wah up, and had the ISP after the way, just to try different things. Not once did it kill anything for me.

I have always used the low gain input on my 5150, just sounds better to me.

My problem is that I want that signature 5150 tone, but without any noise at all. I've heard it done before. It's possible. But I can't get it to work. I've tried the HUSH Super C rackmount unit, HUSH pedal, the ISP Decimator pedal and the BOSS NS-2 pedal. All in the loop and before the amp...none worked. They all worked on my friend's Laney, my boss' Marshalls and even my Dual Recto...but not on my 5150. I don't understand it. Any thoughts?


where do you have your gain set? the 5150's can be a real bitch to tame the hiss, i kinda just learned to live with it...every noise reduction method i tried meant having to alter my muting technique, and even then i would end up with notes cut off in a way that i didn't like

using a hush super c in the loop, with a volume pedal out front seemed to work best for me...but it was a hassle sometimes

i'm using a framus cobra as my main live amp now, and it's as close to silent as a high gainer could possibly be...when i use the 5150 in the studio i just silence the hissing during the empty parts