TSE (onQel) - The Tide .. melodic stuff


Jan 4, 2008
Here's a song I'm working on..
TSE808, LeCto, X50, JS wah, Addictive Drums .. bla bla bla :D


The cold breeze that removed all my musical intererest is gone.. finally something I want to finish ..

It isn't really mixed with a finished product in mind, just something I did very quick to separate the instruments while I write :popcorn:

update: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1369729/MP3/onQel%20-%20The%20Tide2.mp3
update2: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1369729/MP3/onQel%20-%20The%20Tide3.mp3

Me thinks you should upload this as a mix for all of us to try? See if we can make these plugs sound better than the creator can. ;) bwahaha

By the way, awesome song man! Great songwriting!
wow, thanks guys!
I didn't really think I would get so much positive feedback ; )

gonna change that kick .. :p
stephen: thanks dude! gonna try finish it ..
if you haven't been listening to dark tranquillity, do so now, and you'll probably have this song finished in a heartbeat
Ermz: Lecto for lead and X50 for rythms .. didn't quad track (I don't do it at all actually, because of my bad timing)
this time I actually tried to apply a hint of ReaVerberate on the rythm guitars last in the chain as an experiment in a attempt to make them sound more alive/glued together..

Metalmiller: I will show the full chain of the rythm guitar later today if you're still interested :p
Mago: <3

So.. rythm guitars at the moment: (Right click a control on TSE plugins to edit it's decimal value)
These settings are a subject of change, because they're just experimental at the moment :p

TSE808 :: Input: Max - Drive: 0.210 - Tone: 0.545 - Volume: noon - 4X - (Original component values)
TSE X50 B3 :: Input: noon - PreGain: 0.385 - Low: 0.588 - Mid: 0.264 - High: 0.551 - PostGain: 0.266 - LowEnd: 0.564 - Presence: 0.625 .. Red Ch.Mod enabled - KT88 tubes with bias of -55.42
LeCab2 :: GuitarHack's Fredman Straight.wav
ReaXcomp :: similar to sneap's C4 settings.. (second band) - start: 70 Hz, stop: 273 Hz .. threshold: -8.3dB - ratio: 5.9 - attack: 16ms release: 25ms, gain: 0.3
ReaEQ :: HP@80Hz - cut 0.6 dB at 560 Hz (1.60 oct) - boost 0.3dB at 1.2kHz (1.40 oct) - LP@12kHz
ReaVerberate :: Wet: -23.6dB - Dry 0.0dB - Size: 30 - Dampening: 100 - Width: 1.0 - Initial Delay: 5ms - lowpass: 4.8kHz - hipass: 165Hz

edit: the guitar is a 6 string Schecter Omen Extreme with original pickups recorded through a M-Audio Firewire Solo
Although I think the songwriting is amazing, I'm not a fan of that lead tone. For some reason it's just grating on my ears. Am I the only one? The tone just sounds kind of plastic. I like the rhythm guitars tho and the rest of the mix.
ubrsyntx: thanks for your honesty ;) I'm not lying if I say that I suck at lead tones.. so.. do you have any tips for a new chain?