New huge and dark symphonic metal piece! (X50/X30/AD)

The guitars sound wicked, but the mix would sound heaps better if you brought the drums up, i can't really hear them, just kind of guess when they're playing. Keep the OH's at the level they are now, they balance the mix's high end very nicely.
Sounds better, but i still think the mix could benefit by lowering the guitar volume down by 2 or 3 db. And cut a notch in them at 3k to lose the tiny bit of fizziness that's interfering with the symphonic part. I don't know about anyone else on this board, but when i listen to a symphonic metal song, i like hearing the orchestra at almost the same level as the guitars, as well as the rhythm section of the song (bass and drums).
Sounds good as it is right now, and the composition is quite awesome. What impulses did you use?
WOW great mix man!!! Nice drums. They sit nicely "in"the mix. I like the first version more. I´ts more open sounding. Snare has a tad to much room/verb going on IMHO. How much post processing was done to that guitar sound?
really nice song and i like all the instruments in general, very well blended.:)
info about toms and processing? i like them.
Wow, great mix. I'm loving the tom and fat snare sound, and the guitar tone is huge. The whole mix sounds very wide, especially during the tom groove when everything drops out.
Here's my last shot at it..
Everything is mixed with headphones and I should use some monitor references before doing anything else to it :p

MetalMiller: There's not that much post processing on the guitars.. TSE808->X50->LeCab2->ReaEQ->ReaXComp->ReaEQ
I ended up with Two LP filters, one at 12.5kHz and one at 15kHz.. and two HP filters, one at 75Hz + one at 40Hz.. + that 3kHz notch (-1.3dB 0.20Q)
i could post a screenshot of the exact settings :\

Thank you guys for your feedback, + taking the time to write a comment!
Very, very pleasant to listen to this mix ongel..

The toms on the breakdown sound a bit too bright for my liking, but overall very good blend of the instruments!
MetalMiller: The first LP is for ment for the guitars themselves, the second lowpass (15kHz) is added because LeCab(1&2) have a tendency to screw up/distort the high end of the impulses compared to other impulse loaders. I can't really tell if the 40Hz HP has any affect on the sound at all, but I like to think that I give extra space for the kick/bass :p


track without synths/orchestration
track with only synths/orchestration

I'm a passive pickup user on this track, stock schecter budget one's :p