TSE X30, LeCab, SD2.0,catharsis impules, mastering by Übersounds


New Metal Member
Jun 8, 2009
hey guys,

check out the new cold tragedy stuff on our facebook page.
you gotta check the mp3 music tab on the left to see the player

tse x30 boosted with ts808
leCab 2 with catharsis impulses
bass: TSE BOD
drums: SD2.0 (metal foundry and DFH sounds blended)
vocals: Shure SM7b

mix was done by myself
Mastering by ÜBERSOUNDS (www.myspace.com/syqemdanny)

let me know what you think about it :D
i'd love to hear your opinions


btw the new stuff will be out soon...
sounds pretty bad ass, the vocals may be a little loud though? also may need some more lows on the vocals they sound a little to bright for me, might just be me though? i think if there were subtle editing to the vocals it will sound superb but like i said it might just be me.

Guitars sound great which catherisis impulses? do you remember by any chance? sounds really good, drums are fine as well.
hey dude,
thx for the reply:D

the catharsis ir's were the spreshigh and the awesome4 thingy...
don't know how its exactly called cuz my computer for recording is
still in our rehearsal room.
yeah i noticed the brightness in the vocals too
but it's to late now and i really love the outcome...
especially if i compare my mix to the final master
awesome sauce,
been looking at other songs finished by ubersound too, they sorta have all the same thingie... dunno how to discribe it, but i like it. kinda wonder tho how the unmastered mix sounds. Reason were looking for someone to master our own stuff in the near future.
glad you guys like marcos mix and my stem mastering here!
marco : maybe we can share one of the mixes ? so people can see what great mixing + great stem mastering is capable of ;-).
its up to you!

check these guys out, some really nice songs and ideas there!
hey guys...

yeah danny when i get back to the rehearsal room
i'll get you guys one of my mixed versions

but i gotta add when i exported the stem waves
there were some strange loudness differences that were way different
to how i placed the instruments in the mix.
but danny fixed that up too

he has done some great work and
i definitely recommend ÜBERSOUNDS to everyone who needs
an amazing master.
sounds pretty good! like the guitarsound! until the vocals come in imo the sound kind of annoying and not smooth enough. but i like the music
so first of all
thx for liking our fb-page :D

i actually went straight into my profire 2626 with the sm7b
i'm thinking about buying a neumann mic...
to get vocals to sound smoother
the sm7b has a pretty harsh sound
(and i guess our singers voice might add to that too :D)