TSE x50 Test - [Deathmetal]

I like the guitar sound. The drums are a bit too machine-like, maybe a bit more humanize? Also imho there could be a bit more low end.

But the song kicks ass! Is it yours?

Btw: Cool, noch jemand aus Süddeutschland :D
Feels like my Opals turned into $10 tube radios when playing this.

The tone needs a lot more fidelity and balls to it, and the backing track too, in order to frame the guitars effectively.
What pick/pickups/guitar/cable/DI/mic pre/converter combo are you using?

The main thing to strive for is to reduce those flat mids building up around 800hz, and open everything up. Maybe dial less mid and more high and low on the amp sim, or perhaps a different impulse.
I mainly use my Ibanez RGR08 with a Seymour Duncan Blackout Pu.
But i think the main point is, that i don't have an interface -.-
So my chain is just: Guitar - Cable - LineIn of my PC
I think buying an decent interface would improve my tone alot...

The mids on the x50 are adjusted very low and i use the beta impulse by greg.

Thank you Ermz, it means a lot to me to hear the opinion of a professional ;)