Need your opinion! LoG Style Song!

I'm a huge LoG fan and I must say you captured the essence of their sound almost flawlessly.

Mixing is probably better than anything I could do, so take my advice with a grain of salt.
Bottom end of the song could be a bit higher, but just a bit.
Also I THINK the guitars are a BIT too predominant in high-mids. I'd have the guitars sound a Bit more liquid-y.
(I'm no expert but that's what my ears hear for what it's worth)
Great song. Great sound. Love it. Are you in need of a screamer for this? *wink wink* Haha.
TSE x50 is out?!?!
Also I'm gonna go ahead and download your song and will layer a few prototype vocals, PM you a private link to it, see if you like it, if that's alright with you .
this is what i used for my basstone.

first track: ampeg svx with the svt4pro (first time i use this ampsim...quite happy with it).

secon track: tse808 and lecto (modern channel) for a very smooth distortion.

check out this vid, i tried to create the "wrath" it!

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Stems pls. :goggly:

Seriously nailed both song and mix very well, although I think the mix could still be improved a bit.
With vocals this track would kill.

/man, I'd totally believe you that this is an actual LoG demo for a new album :D
What impulses did you use for the bass? And what are the drums?

no impulse on the bass. just a clean DI and a heavily distorted one ;)
Drums are Superior 2.0 with some samples. For the snare i used the Chris Adler Mapex Sample.

Cymbals sound way too hard panned for my taste

will fix that!

never expected such a positive feedback, thank you so much guys ;)