Tulus - Biography Obscene


Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
Tulus – Biography Obscene
Indie/Candlelight Records - CDL385 – August 31, 2007
By Wayward_Son


Apparently, Tulus was put on hold back in 2000 or thereabouts so the members could form the forgettable band, Khold. Well, now things have turned around, as Khold went on indefinite hiatus and here we have a reformed Tulus with their first album in eight years.

Biography Obscene is a fairly difficult album to dissect. On the one hand, the album happens to be fairly standard black metal with a rock n’ roll edge to it. The vocals are nothing special, and begin to grate on the nerves towards the ending. On the positive side of things, Tulus manages to throw in some fine pianos, violins, and horns into the fray to create, at the very least, something for those curious metal listeners out there.

This writer usually dislikes outside elements in black metal, but the most interesting parts of Biography Obscene are the moments when those same elements are used. That does not say much for Tulus’ brand of black metal. Sometimes the music moves at a doom-laden pace, and other times it is constant blast beats, so the there is not a lack of variation. This writer can certainly see fans of the more accessible black metal bands like Dimmu Borgir, Satyricon, and Old Man’s Child liking Tulus’ Biography Obscene. It is inoffensive, as easy on the ears as black metal can be, and is devoid of any real emotion like the aforementioned bands.

And that is where Tulus loses this writer. Black metal must be felt, not heard. The band manages to create some interesting moments, but nothing that requires another glance.

Official Tulus Website
Official Indie Recordings Website