Tunderstorm - Faithless Soul

Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Nov 7, 2002
Inside dorian's gym bag.
Has anyone heard it yet? I believe it came out this past Tuesday. One of the best epic doom bands around to those who haven't heard of them. If you like Candlemass or Solitude Aeternus, you will love the guys. I need to get this new album even though I need to cut back. :guh:

JayKeeley, did you check out the CD-R of Witchunter Tales yet? :headbang:
Thunderstorm is the best "new" doom metal band by far. I love both their 2 previous albums, but i totally worship "Witchunter Tales". I dont think that they are epic at all. I am SO certain that the new one will be even better than "W. Tales"
Doomcifer said:
JayKeeley, did you check out the CD-R of Witchunter Tales yet? :headbang:


This is BRILLIANT stuff. Heavy metal melodic DOOM, and those multi-layered vocal choruses are just stunning. Only heard the first half of Witchunter Tales, but so far, this has turned me into a fan already.

Must try to track down more Thunderstorm eventually. See Doomcifer, it might take me 2 months, but I get there in the end. Another success story from Doomcibaby.

[If you don't like clean harmonized vocals, avoid this band].
Witchunter Tales sounds promising and like something i'd like, too bad i suck at life and have no money. Are there any samples to this album anywhere?