turn loose the zwan


New Metal Member
Feb 28, 2002
billy corgan said zwan doesnt exist anymore and hes gonna start a solo career. it was about time he understood his new band sounded shite. im curious about that solo stuff tho. his work has always been quite a frustration from me, always some dead good songs and some horrible stuff on the smashing pumpkins albums. some songs off adore are fucking brilliant tho.
the only thing i really digged from them was Adore. About the rest i was always feeling the same song was playing from the beginning to the end of any albums they recorded before.
Anyway, it's so long now that this girl nicked my Adore album that i hardly recall the content now :[. damn thief pouffe!
maybe it better that they split up cause they started to soon and had a lot of musicdifferences in the beginning.
then they started toering with just one album with a lot of songs they don't wannted to play. so they played a lot of pumpkins songs,
but the people didn't wanne hear pumpkins, they came to see a new band, Zwan.

medhi.i.e.e.e said:
it was about time he understood his new band sounded shite
live they sucked bigtime, saw them at the pinkpop festival, but their album was not that bad
yeah i saw them live in paris too, that was really boring. and i like melissa auf der maur better :D