Tuska Open Air (28. - 30.6.2013)

BTW, does any one plan on going to Barren Earth at On The Rocks on June 27?

I have planned it, but I'm not sure yet. It depents about my accommodation. If my friend is going for a morning shift, I don't dare crawl home a couple of hours before she wake up.
Century Media has uploaded the entire "Altered State" on Youtube, which is strange in itself. It has a surprisingly cool vibe considering their djent foundation. Vocals are all clean.

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Never heard of them, but will check out. Probably more interesting to me than TDEP would have been.

Me neither. But I also think it's probably for the better, at least for me, having in mind my general dislike for screams of the -core persuasion.
And those guys sound intriguing. They seem to be clashing with Leprous, but Leprous' set is 25 minutes and, besides, I've seen them several times already and they have a gig in Sofia in the autumn.