[Tutorial] Exporting the metronome in Cubase - the fast and easy way


Nov 19, 2005
I get asked about this every now and then so I decided to make a short tutorial. Some of you might find it of use. If you already know how to do it, you can send the video to your clients should they need to export the click from their projects.

PS. It's not me doing the voiceover, obviously ;)
That is a good way to do it, but it has 1 flaw: If you have a song with other than 4/4 time signature or if you have a lot of signature changes, you have to do them manually (Design The Skyline, I'm pointing at you). What I would do instead is go to TRANSPORT > METRONOME SETUP and go to "Activate MIDI Click" and then make a midi loop on your interface (input to output) and record that to your session (you can do this on "downtime" like when setting up microphones or whatever).
If there are a lot of signature changes then simply go to the click settings(ctrl+c), activate midi click, route it to the VST instrument and set the appropriate notes to trigger the correct samples. Note that with this approach you are forced to use real-time exporting if you want to have the metronome in your mixdown.
I just draw them out by hand as described in the video. Most songs typically have tempo changes but not a lot of time signature changes. I find it funny how many bands think they do, but really they don't, especially ones that end up back on at 8 or 12.

Then the ones that do, typically it is only parts or a section that is repeated elsewhere.

Sure it takes more than "a minute" but typically not more than 10. Especially in the grand scheme. With that many changes.... typically the drummer can't follow requiring a ton of editing and takes anyway.

Never thought about using the beat designer though, that is cool.
Yeah, with most scenarios it's literally done in a couple of minutes from start to finish. I used to route the midi click and export in real-time so I can send the drums and sometimes guitars with click to whoever is next to record but it takes too much time (2-5 minutes of exporting/per song instead of say 30 seconds).
Why not just make a cowbell loop using the vst instrument and then ctrl+d throughout the length of the song. Special sections that require odd times can be corrected later.

Edit: didn't watch the video cause I'm on my phone at a venue, so if that's what it says just ignore me and/or call me an asshole.