Its not me, i just found thouse vids...
The song sucks.. the final sound is not my cup of tea... but i've founded the workflow useful... and 90% of the plug ins used are to know by all people here.
It Could be great if one of the gurus on this site make some videos like these..
I don't even think he knows who Marcus is man...but oh well...el tutorial le puede serivr de mucho a los n00bs. Isn't there a translating feature for YouTube vids??
youtube does have a subtitle function, still in beta and doesn't really work well, but in the same language, you can't expect it to translate and subtitle in real time can you? hahaha
nah...but is videos like those that you want to have them at least in English and then your second language. I only mentioned the subtitle thing becuase some of the videos i've seen they put like this box next to it where it says something like "translation, or subtitles below" or something like that.