tv shows that unexpectedly got you hooked?


Mar 28, 2006
I'm sure we all have had many shows that we liked, planned our days around to watch and never miss viewing.
A show that came out of nowhere and got my attention is the Travel Channels-"Mark & Olly Living with the Mek Tribe" Sun. @ 10p. (good time slot usually just chilling out anyway)
Mark is a former soldier and traveler and Olly is a reporter/traveler/adventurist. I started watching halfway through season 1, "Living with the Kombia", then continued into season 2, "the Mek Tribe" series in which they traveled uninvited to the remote lands of West Papua-New Ginnea, approaching these tribes, commiting and adapting for about 3-months to the tribal lifestyles that have been handed down and used for thousands of years.
At times I wondered, is filming these tribes too intrusive, unfair, is it legit? But you see thier way of life, how they react and take in Westerners, how Mark and Olly try and live as they do and it becomes captivating to watch! Last nites final episode with the "Mek Tribe" showed enemy tribes feasting, a birth of a child, and Mark and Ollys emotional departure from the tribe as they left for home.
I really hope another season is in the plans? Would recommend viewing.
Another show on the same network worth checking out would be "Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern". The dude travels all over the world and eats everything from fried Bats to Bull testicals:puke: gross and hilarious stuff!
Entourage - as I have no idea why I like it so much.

Stargate Atlantis - Thought it was shit when I first watched it.
I'm not even kidding you I was going to make this EXACT same thread....

Well I jsut recently started watching "life" simply based upon the fact that I liked the actor that plays Dt. Crews from Band of Brothers.

This show has completely taken me by surprise; I did not at all expect to be so hooked, but alas im at the last episode....
Erhemm... I'm a bit of a TV show freak... the following are my obsessions

The 4400
Stargate SG1
Stargate Atlantis
Prison Break
The Dead Zone
Star Trek (All Versions except Deep Space IX)

And more... Yeah... I have problems
There were many over the years, but the ones that I really got hooked on more lately were Rome and Kyle XY. Both of these shows are just awesome.
Not really into fish, fishing or anything fishy, but for some reason "The Deadliest Catch" is hard to turn away from once you begin to watch it. The show is about competitive fishing in the treacherous Bering Sea.
Lets see...well, I cant make a list of shows that unexpectedly got me hooked cause if I didn't like the looks or sounds of it, I wouldn't watch it. But what I can give you is a list of the shows that got/have me hooked:

The Unit
Band of Brothers
Deadliest Catch
Dirty Jobs
Anything on the military channel
Anything on food network (with the odd exceptions - ie Rachel Ray can fucking DIE for all I care)
Btw I didn't mention the comedy stuff I like, which is:

Seinfeld (brilliant show)
South Park (fucking divine! Best comedy show ever!)
Simpsons (even though they should have stopped it like half a dozen seasons ago...)

Uhmmm and that's it I think, can't think of anything else for now.
unfortunately most of the shows i like have been canceled.

The Dresden Files
John Doe
Special Unit 2
Supernatural (missed the ending of the first season and beyond due to hockey and digital bullshit)
Scrubs back in the day.

Now i just watch subbed anime
Family Matters!! But man I'm so fucking pissed that it isn't (and maybe never will be) released on an official DVD set so I can watch it again. No fucking channels here even show reruns of it anymore. :(