TW and Hate Me! Vinyl.


Zero Tolerance
Jan 14, 2002
Im just asking. (I can maybe sell these...)

How much you are prepared to pay from COB hate me 7" or Tokyo Warhearts green vinyl?

So, how much would you pay, or if ya allready have these, how much did you pay from them?

Sorry my english... :p
Well, if I remember correctly, I paid about $11 for my Hate Me! vinyl and about $17 for my Tokyo green vinyl. But, I'm not 100% sure, 'cause I've owned them for quite a while now... And therefore the value of those items may have risen by time.. So, everyone, reply and tell how much would you be ready to pay, 'cause I'm too interested in this matter..

I got them all when they were first released
Hate me was $10
both TW lps were $15

the TW LPs now are worth almost $50 each give or take $5 now.

hate me is like worth about 10 still i think