TWELFTH GATE News!!! - for anyone who cares.


Soul Collector
Jun 26, 2001
Chicago, IL
Just thought I'd share some info about the band in case any of you were wondering what ever happened to us - all two of you. :-)

Anyway, TWELFTH GATE is proud to announce that, as of last month, we've been signed by Crash Music Inc (formerly Pavement) for a 3-album deal. We're done writing the songs for our debut album & we're currently in pre-production. And, believe it or not, we've even got the studio booked. However, even though it may be possible for us to release it yet this year, we're realistically looking at a very early 2003 release. We've waited this long, what's another few months - right?

Also, we're very excited & pleased to announce that Travis Smith has been commissioned to do the artwork. Definitely can't wait to see what he's got in store for us.

One last thing. I've been working on somewhat of a website - - for the band, and it's about half-way done if you guys wanna check it out. It's nothing spectacular, but if any bands/sites want to swap links, or if anyone else has any constructive criticism/suggestions on how to improve the site, I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Thanks for reading & take care.
Originally posted by MetalAges
I must be one of the two! LOL! Can't wait to hear what you guys come out with dude!

Hey, you're Mike's bro, aren't you? What's Division up to these days?

BTW, thanks for the support. Can't wait to hear the final product myself. The 4-track preprod shit we've been doing sounds killer, so I'm really excited to hear it after it's done professionally.