Twelfth Gate's Set at Powerfest 08


Apr 23, 2007
Hey, this is Aaron, vocals for Twelfth Gate. On behalf of Twelfth Gate, I owe you all an apology that were in attendance at Powerfest for our performance. Those of you that have seen us before know we can deliver a very good live show both in sound and stage presence. The night we played, a number of things happened on stage in regards to sound that greatly impacted our performance. Basically, we couldn’t hear anything on stage except what could be described as white noise. Jose was right on that, and I had confirmed it for him after our set. Dan (drums) made multiple requests throughout the set to turn up the guitars in his monitor, but he still wasn’t able to hear anything. So when we played our new song, which is where everything seemed to come to a screeching hault, it went from bad to worse. At one point, Dan just stopped playing so he could hear where the guys were at in the song, which was still messy, and then could only hope to get back on track by watching the other guys' fingers. Rich, Rob, and Jim couldn’t hear anything either, so at that point everything was completely off anyway. After that, any grasp I had on the crowd, especially the Testament fans, was lost. Some people seemed to stay with us, but for the rest of our set, we were getting the bird fingers from several in the front. They all wore looks that screamed “Are you done yet?”

We didn’t expect to win everyone over, especially those with such discerning tastes who reside on this forum. I completely respect the opinions/feedback of all who have made them known, and none of us are offended by them. Anyone who talked to us after our set knows how pissed & upset we were over what we actually presented, as we really are our own worst critics. We’re a band who are redefining our sound while trying to honor our past. We promise to make up for this. Thanks for all of your support.
Thanks fror posting that. Trying to make music without hearing yourself is like trying to paint a picture blindfolded.

Hopefully you guys play a show soon.
I figured something was wrong. The sound for the two days was ify at best. The crowd thing....that is the curse of opening for huge acts.
Thanks for the explanation... I've always loved TG in the past and will continue to do so. Bummer that there were so many sound problems over the weekend... I like that you use more clean vocals than the last guy did, but it's unfortunate that they didn't come across well due to the sound issues.
No apologies needed. You still sounded better than a couple of other bands who weren't having sound issues :saint: Something seemed out of whack, so I'm glad it wasn't just my imagination.

I was talking to Jose about this during the loooong changeover for Testament. It just seems like in this day and age, it should not be that difficult to switch from band to band. Many electronic games are plug and play, why not audio equipment? When I repeatedly watch all the effort that goes into sound checks, monitor checks, over and over again, I'm befuddled as to why it's so complicated. It's just sound and electricity, not high explosives. We need better technology to the rescue. Come on, all you electrical engineers! Hey Pate and Veggie, switch majors if you're not in EE already and fix this!

Well I was interviewing Chuck during your set so I am not soured, lol. I really look forward to partying with you guys in Kansas City!!
Much respect to you for posting that Arron. Taking the time to apologize and give an explaination (with no excuses) shows how much of a stand up guy you are, and how much this is bothering you and the rest of the band.

Twelfth Gate is a class act, they are worth giving another chance.
It just seems like in this day and age, it should not be that difficult to switch from band to band. Many electronic games are plug and play, why not audio equipment? When I repeatedly watch all the effort that goes into sound checks, monitor checks, over and over again, I'm befuddled as to why it's so complicated. It's just sound and electricity, not high explosives.


It's the sound part that makes it complicated. Varied guitar and bass tones, style of play, and volume levels, each drummer hits with different levels of intensity, frequency and attack of the lead vocals. All of these things change from band to band. Add in the accoustics of the room and the amount of people watching and you have an ever changing environment with nothing remaining constant. There is no one setting that works for all. Each musician is different in what they need to hear in the monitors. Welcome to the world of live sound...
You guys don't exactly fit my tastes but you have some good stuff in there.

you guys kept going and held your character, unlike a bassist from a certain opening band and a singer from another band.

If I am in chicago again and you guys play, ill enjoy what i can.
Hey, this is Aaron, vocals for Twelfth Gate. On behalf of Twelfth Gate, I owe you all an apology that were in attendance at Powerfest for our performance. Those of you that have seen us before know we can deliver a very good live show both in sound and stage presence. The night we played, a number of things happened on stage in regards to sound that greatly impacted our performance. Basically, we couldn’t hear anything on stage except what could be described as white noise. Jose was right on that, and I had confirmed it for him after our set. Dan (drums) made multiple requests throughout the set to turn up the guitars in his monitor, but he still wasn’t able to hear anything. So when we played our new song, which is where everything seemed to come to a screeching hault, it went from bad to worse. At one point, Dan just stopped playing so he could hear where the guys were at in the song, which was still messy, and then could only hope to get back on track by watching the other guys' fingers. Rich, Rob, and Jim couldn’t hear anything either, so at that point everything was completely off anyway. After that, any grasp I had on the crowd, especially the Testament fans, was lost. Some people seemed to stay with us, but for the rest of our set, we were getting the bird fingers from several in the front. They all wore looks that screamed “Are you done yet?”

We didn’t expect to win everyone over, especially those with such discerning tastes who reside on this forum. I completely respect the opinions/feedback of all who have made them known, and none of us are offended by them. Anyone who talked to us after our set knows how pissed & upset we were over what we actually presented, as we really are our own worst critics. We’re a band who are redefining our sound while trying to honor our past. We promise to make up for this. Thanks for all of your support.

With all due respect my friend, I don't see how it could have impacted the vocal performance you gave.
I wasn't at the fest on Saturday so I don't know how 12th gate sounded, but I think what Aaron meant was that since the monitors did not work on stage, he wasn't able to hear himself or the other guys so he couldn't find his pitch when he was singing clean. I'm assuming people are bitching about the clean vocals??