Twilight Ophera The End of Halcyon Age
Crash Music 2004
By Adam McAuley
Its difficult to describe Twilight Opheras sound. Upon initial listen, I thought they played power metal, but it soon became apparent that theyre actually a symphonic black metal band with an obvious debt to the aforementioned genre. Their music is fast, with dueling guitars and razor sharp melody; while reminiscent of both genres, the band is so successful in their style that you wont care which they belong to. The addition of sporadic orchestral elements, and vocals that vary between high-pitched black metal shrieks, low growls and occasional clean singing, creates a melting pot of interesting music.
There is a certain fun feeling to Twilight Opheras music and it comes off convincingly rather than being cheesy or silly. The track Pseudogods is a good example of the outfits varied elements coalescing into their signature sound. It starts with some staccato riffs and high/low vocal variation, before proceeding into a distinctly power-metalish section and constantly evolving throughout. A highlight, but the rest of the material here is quite solid as well. I can see fans of bands ranging from Emperor to Rhapsody picking this up and finding something to like in it.
Black metal mixed with a bit of power doesnt seem like it would work, but this is proved incorrect by The End of Halcyon Age. What can I say? I didnt expect to enjoy this release at the outset, but Twilight Ophera have surprised me with a thoroughly entertaining musical platter. Recommended to any metal fan with an open mind.
Official Crash Music website
Official Twilight Opera website
Crash Music 2004
By Adam McAuley

Its difficult to describe Twilight Opheras sound. Upon initial listen, I thought they played power metal, but it soon became apparent that theyre actually a symphonic black metal band with an obvious debt to the aforementioned genre. Their music is fast, with dueling guitars and razor sharp melody; while reminiscent of both genres, the band is so successful in their style that you wont care which they belong to. The addition of sporadic orchestral elements, and vocals that vary between high-pitched black metal shrieks, low growls and occasional clean singing, creates a melting pot of interesting music.
There is a certain fun feeling to Twilight Opheras music and it comes off convincingly rather than being cheesy or silly. The track Pseudogods is a good example of the outfits varied elements coalescing into their signature sound. It starts with some staccato riffs and high/low vocal variation, before proceeding into a distinctly power-metalish section and constantly evolving throughout. A highlight, but the rest of the material here is quite solid as well. I can see fans of bands ranging from Emperor to Rhapsody picking this up and finding something to like in it.
Black metal mixed with a bit of power doesnt seem like it would work, but this is proved incorrect by The End of Halcyon Age. What can I say? I didnt expect to enjoy this release at the outset, but Twilight Ophera have surprised me with a thoroughly entertaining musical platter. Recommended to any metal fan with an open mind.
Official Crash Music website
Official Twilight Opera website