Twin Obscenity

Triumphant Apostle

Disciple Of The Watch
Dec 8, 2001
St.Paul, MN
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I am always amazed that more people don't like this band. Their first album, Where Light Touches None, may be the single most underrated album in metal. If you haven't heard them before I would suggest picking this one up, or at least giving it a listen. I'm pretty sure if you like atmospheric Black Metal with great production you won't be dissappointed!
I´ve got all the TWIN OBSCENITY albums and think they´re all fucking great Metal ! These guys are far too underrated and definitely could use more attention. The last album was great and I am interested to hear some new material.
opacity said:
i have only one album (for blood, honour and soil), and it's not bad, but i'm not overwhelmed either :)

I have that one also and while being a good album, it's not even close to being as good as the first one. Hopefully Bloodstone goes back to the way they sounded on that first album. I'll find out when I get it in the mail I guess!
@triumphant apostle: let me know then if it is; i might have another listen to Twin Obscenity if the other albums are that much better than "For Blood, Honour and Soil" :)
Bloodstone is their second best. I like it better than Blood Honour.. definitely. I miss atles vocals however, but he promises to do more on the next album. I LOVE Twin Obscenity, and I agree that Where Light is one of the greatest albums. The production could be a little better, but the music itself is amazing. Definitely an underrated band. I'm glad some people are at least talking about them here.

Their demos also rule.. try getting ahold of them though. Not easy.