Twin Obscenity

I only have "Bloodstone", and I was not totally overwhelmed by it... I would say that Bloodstone is a pretty decent album... Nothing more, nothing less!!

"The Legacy" is a totally killertrack though!!!
I got into them after seeing them at the 1999 Milwaukee Metalfest. I met the Female vocalist/keyboardist Tonje. She was cool as hell even though she was a little bit hammered! I bought their first two albums out there, Where Light Touches None, and For Blood, Honour, And Soil. Their first album is absolutely fantastic and is a must buy if you like their style. I like it so much more than the second album, or the new one, Bloodstone. Not that either of those are bad albums, but the first one is just so much better! They are definitely an underrated group that deserves more attention than they have gotten. I'd like to see them again soon...