Twisted Sister!!!!

If Twisted Sister appeared at bs03 it would make the festival into a laughing stock. Maybe Status Quo could headline the mainstage lolololol

I think it's a good idea that there are some shite bands on(like twelvepointhead from 02) cause that way I like to have a chance to browse the metal market. However if TS made an appearance then the majority of people would have the same idea and it would be murder trying to rummage through the cds!
well think TS are great, and i think that it would bring bit of a crowd, maybe not so many power metal fans which is what u seem to be eagle, but i think TS are the best 80's metal band and they do have a following and if we dont have a range of bands then it wont be known as a metal festival, it will be known as a power metal festival, and for some ppl, like power metal fans, theyd like that, but there are black metal metal fans who go to BS, some prog rock fans and alot more tickets would be sold if we had a wider range, i mean most of the bigger bands in 02 were power metal and we cant have just power metal

p.s. wats wrong with quo? they fuckin rock live, i saw them a few weeks ago and they are fuckin good live, and to say they are shyte is out of order befcause it depends on ppls opinions
u missed out death metal in ur rant ;) lol

Bloodstock is about bringing the british metal scene alive again. New talent and already "big" metal bands with a reasonable fan base in britain.

In all honesty i do think there was too much power metal at 02 but there was still a variation in styles. There have been suggested on the other threads different bands with different styles, some very very different (e.g. lacuna coil, napalm death) an just looking at the vast array of bands that have been suggested there are obviously many different musical tastes.

Plus death metal is the gr8st :D LOL!

(just kidding)

and u asked wots wrong with the quo..........they r very cheesy...........and my parents like them LOL! which is always a bad sign
originally posted by princeofdarkness54321
well think TS are great, and i think that it would bring bit of a crowd, maybe not so many power metal fans which is what u seem to be eagle, but i think TS are the best 80's metal band and they do have a following and if we dont have a range of bands then it wont be known as a metal festival, it will be known as a power metal festival, and for some ppl, like power metal fans, theyd like that, but there are black metal metal fans who go to BS, some prog rock fans and alot more tickets would be sold if we had a wider range, i mean most of the bigger bands in 02 were power metal and we cant have just power metal

p.s. wats wrong with quo? they fuckin rock live, i saw them a few weeks ago and they are fuckin good live, and to say they are shyte is out of order befcause it depends on ppls opinions

I've got nothing against 80s music (I grew up listening to it) and I am a Power Metal fan (I like many styles) but if you look at my other posts you'll see that I believe that a fest such as bloodstock should have a mixture of styles. However I think if the bloodstock organisers were going to spend a lot of brass importing a band from the states they'd do far better going for Iced Earth or W.A.S.P. (the latter can hardly be called a Power Metal Band).

With Quo there's nothing wrong with them - they play their 3 chords very well but Bloodstock is a Metalfest!

originally posted by cyberfella
in all honesty i do think there was too much power metal at 02

I only saw 3 Power Metal bands at '02' Blind Guardian, The Rays and Freedom Call! Strangely if you look at the reviews from '02' you'll find that the majority of people (including myself) rated these as the highlight if the day!

Also if you look at my review you'll see how much I enjoyed Diamond Head, Threshold, Biomechanical, Balance Of Power and Infobia none of whom are Power Metal!
well would say balance of power are a power metal band and elvenking, cos if they aint i dont kow wat they are, and for u lagoon power metal is heavy metal but it has this sound that cant be explained, i dont know how to explain it, u can just hear it, it sounds like power metal, or melodic metal as it is sometimes called.

and yea get quo!! they rock like fuck!!