Two boys just drove by my house...

Welly said:
yeah, we are :lol: was quite flattering but I mean...what did they think I was going to do? Walk over to the street and invite them into the house for a steaming cup of fuckmebaby tea?
why, how flattering! they gave you the demonstration they can whistle and move their hands!! i'm wondering what extraordinary tricks they'll show you next time they pass by :lol:
Rusty said:
Substitute the whistling for horn-beeping and you have typical Italian road-users. Right Val?? ;)

:lol: that and substitute waving for "doing highly offensive signs", add "lots of swearing" and you have it.
Rusty said:
Substitute the whistling for horn-beeping and you have typical Italian road-users. Right Val?? ;)

Hmmm...I've had that happen before too!! :tickled:
The other day, I thought some guy was trying to impersonate Linda Blair in the Exorcist.
italians brazilians and argentines are considered the better drivers in the world... (better = most dangerous)

those guys were pretty educated. Here we usually scream stuff like "you are fucking hot" also... not exactly in that order... :p
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The Italians are fucking hilarious drivers...but I love it. They are very efficient, and I think I'm the only American who drives that way as well. Americans follow the rules too damn much. Italians get where they need to go and don't fuck around while doing it; I like that because I drive the same way.
tara said: was quite flattering but I mean...what did they think I was going to do? Walk over to the street and invite them into the house for a steaming cup of fuckmebaby tea?

A buddy of mine is like that. If he sees a hot girl walking or in her car in traffic, he isnsists that I blow the horn. I simply refuse to though.
Lethe78 said:
A buddy of mine is like that. If he sees a hot girl walking or in her car in traffic, he isnsists that I blow the horn. I simply refuse to though
when you bring him home, start beeping the horn and whistling when you see his mother/sister. he might understand that way!!

thrashmetal78 said:
Italians get where they need to go and don't fuck around while doing it
not to mention the ability that we develop in parking the car in a 64 x 58 cm parking :lol:

do you have an italian driving licence or an american one? i'm just wondering if you have the one with the 20 points as well.
AcesHigh said:
Here we usually scream stuff like "you are fucking hot" also... not exactly in that order... :p
"you hot are fucking"?
"fucking you are hot"?
"are you hot fucking"?

which one exactly? :Spin:
i suggestyou get a knife and walk over to their car(of course they will think your just going to give them that cup of tea) then cut off their lips problem solved no more whistling of course if you want it to be legal you should probably try somthing else.