Two dead in Walmart stampede

An interesting response.

I really don't get this freaking out over buying stuff. Of course, I've only voluntarily gone into a mall once in my life and almost everything I buy is purchased online. But I really do not fucking get these crazy shoppers fighting over shit. Do they think that's the last fucking Wii on the planet? And this...I mean, it's too early for holiday bullshit. In a week or two I can see people punching each other over gifts, but really...
Has anyone ever seen the movie Idiocracy? Terrible, terrible movie, but it makes you think.

People disgust me. I hate so many of them.
so this "Black Friday" happens every year in America? wow, didnt know that.
Lol they handed out free chicken?

I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed. "Black" friday indeed.

my pals do the crrraazzziest things!

lol, niggrads.

Anyways what ridiculousness, people are fucking stupid when it comes to consumerist culture--I think especially so Americans, considering per person they consume far more than any individuals in the world.

Tbh, those pictures look like something I would imagine the end of the world to be.

The whole article, that was all I could think :lol:

Thankfully someone said it before me.

dem days niggahhs get dey dit togeter dawg. thats hows deys doos it
Jesus. That's messed. Maybe we ought to build a fifty foot wall from BC to New Brunswick, with automatic machine guns atop it. Who's in???