two of my better songs


New Metal Member
Sep 5, 2008
hey all, this is my "bedroom band" which I'm actually proud of, please critique the shit out of it, only bear in mind I have no knowledge whatsoever of recording and producing so for the most part its pretty rough, (I mean literally I stick a beat up mic in the jack in the computer and fire up sonar, and thats about it). also lots of mistakes left in if I felt they were too minor to be worth redoing or didn't really detract too much...stuff like that. incidentally that is also where the band name comes from (queefing jagged shards...heh). so I guess production values is not really what I'm going for...I'm mostly seeking reaction to the actual content by my fellow metalheads...altho I WOULD like to know a not-too-complicated way of getting it to not be so much QUIETER than everyone else's! anyway thanks for listening, hope you don't find the mixing too cringeworthy, but don't pull any punches in tearing it (and me) apart, I have nards of steel :P

croc torn limb:

please fucking kill me kill me now:
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