Why the sudden hostility towards snow2fall? Or at least it seems sudden to me, but maybe I've just been oblivious.
Why the sudden hostility towards snow2fall?
I don't know. She did try to rip me a new one in the animal thread but I don't know what else she did recently - she's been gone awhile. I have unpleasant memories, though, of all her other posts sounding pretty much the same way so.....
Jerry, brilliant poll
Anyway, I doubt her "I've met more intelligent people," or whatever, was directed at every single poster here. Correct me if I'm wrong, I guess. We always got along, though. *shrugs*
More important things to do, smarter people to spend time with out there than the average RC poster (after the loss of Naddy and Lizard). I'm on vacation at the moment, the only reason for me to poke around here a bit.
snow2fall is a fucking egotistical bitch who has absolutely no reason to be so. but you know, im just a loud american, so.....