Two things...


Jan 10, 2005
First off...has anybody else heard the newest effort from Disturbed? I for one am lending more and more respect for the guitarist, Dan Donegan, each time I hear something new from them. Not to mention the production sounds great as well. This guy has a great tone too. Moving on...

My real question is this...has anyone here ever done a session just completely drunk? I'm curious as to the effects of alcohol and mixing, etc. I know that it does impair your reaction time, your vision, and feeling..but does it affect your hearing in any way?

I've done sessions completely sober, and completely punch drunk, and I can't tell a difference in the quality of my efforts. Just kinda curious if the results were different with anyone else. Although I do NOT recommend anyone try this unless they are a drinker. I'm sure getting drunk out of the ordinary and trying to do a session will have a pretty good impact on your skills. I'm Irish, and I've been drinking for years (not that I'm proud of it), so I'm use to it, heh. Also not to say that I'm an alcoholic...I'll shut up now. Cheers :p

I was rather impressed with the soloing on the new Disturbed single as well. I had no idea the guitarist was any good from the little I had heard of them. I like the singer (most of the time... his odd noises/growls are kinda obnoxious.) too- his voice seems like it has some real power to it. From the couple tracks I've heard, it seems like one of the better mainstream heavy albums to come along in a while.

I can't say I've mixed well drunk, but I did record rhythm guitars for about six or so songs while hammered once. Not shockingly, upon playing them back sober, they were total ass. Not remotely tight.

Where She Wept: you wouldn't happen to be Jim from Where She Wept, would you? If so, hey, it's Eric. How goes it? Did you ever get to try out that Line 6 delay?
can't comment on disturbed.

other than that, this is exactly the thing....i tend to come up with the best stuff while being TOTALLY drunk...but if i try to record the stuff i'll play very sloppy, so that it's quite difficult to figure out what i was doing the night before. :D i can play decent rhythm guitars after having like 5-6 cans of beer, though...just not lead :D

as for mixing stuff....i don't do it ;)
I generally avoid drinking if I am going to be performing, recording, or mixing. I just don't do as good of a job!

I like the new Distrubed single, sounds like the guitar tone is quite a bit better this time. Their last record had a very boxy, weak sound to the guitars. They consistently write good songs, and I thought the solo was pretty good on the new song. David Draiman is an incredible singer, and I'd love to hear him sing over something heavier like Darkane for example...
well err I must admit, having been in this business a while I've worked under alot of errrr conditions haha. I learnt along time ago that you just can't do it, stoned, high, pissed etc, it just doesnt work, and it's not professional but it's a right laugh trying. At the end of the day , if someones paying you, stay straight, if you are having a blast, have fun remixing 3 days later.
Hmm, I've never really had a problem playing guitar/keyboards(piano)/drums while drunk. Some of my "fans" have even said that I had played better one night...and it was when I was drunk lol. Like the recent show I played, I was completely hammered, and I had been smokin' the cheeba as well (don't do drugs!) and it's like the stage is some kind of instant sober for me. My girlfriend was all worried about me before I went on, because I apparently couldn't function hardly at all. She swore that once I got on stage she couldn't tell at all, like I had never been messed up before that. Not to mention I held down the songs perfectly. Odd.

This is starting to sound like I'm putting myself up on a throne or whatever, but it is honest. I'm kind of worried about a big project that starts this weekend on Sunday. The guys love to drink, and when I talked to the singer on Wednesday to confirm everything, he ended the phone call with "alright man, see you on Sunday, and I'll bring like three cases of beer man. Peace." And like I said, this is a big project for me, so I don't want to fuck it up, but I also would want to drink if there is beer. Eesh. I guess I'll find out. This project will drag out over about 4 days straight, so I guess if the first day ends up as a mess, then I know how to play the rest of the days- sober. Hehe. Thanks for the replies guys.

oo! Just saw your post Andy. And while I do agree with you about the professionalism thing, you can see how I would *rather* go about it in my previous post. Usually I won't even let the bands drink or do anything until it's time to mix and master, that way they can perform their best. Even if they swear they play better all messed up. I know these guys put on a rowdy show when they are all hammered, and I can't hear any mistakes or anything like that, so...Bah, gotta jet, thanks for the responses.

i tried to mix drunk once... i woke up several hours later, face down on the desk in a puddle of my own drool and both my arms gone to sleep. i abandoned the technique.
Worse I ever got was totally hammered and trying to play some drums live... I can pull it off when buzzed.. even usually drunk... but this time... christ, I was fucking up and I KNEW it even that hammered... it was bad.

Hmmm... I can't really play whilst drunk. If I'm just a little tipsy I'll play ok (just ok). The drunker I get the slopyer my playing gets. Also, I play keys, and my sounds are not organised sequentially (it fucks up with my improvisation and jamming). That means that I have to worry about buttons a bit. I can't hit them fast or precisely enough whilst drunk, so no, I can't play drunk, and I don't play drunk. I've seen people that can't play drunk either but they still keep on going onstage pissed as shit over and over again. I find it ridiculous. I can't comment about mixing drunk: haven't started doing it (yet).

Distubed is allright, and as usual with these "mainstream metal" bands, their productions sound VERY tight. That's what happens when there's money to back you up!!

BTW, I'm drunk right now :kickass: :puke:
Hehe, nicely done Lurion. I'm about to start the process here in about 30 minutes or so, just waiting for the GF to get done studying and then we're off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of booze. :p

Just as a side not not to chage the subject ot hijack the thread, But The new Distubed single and the New Avenged Sevenfold single both have impressive solos. AS Solo has some awsome harmonised arpeggios stuff going on...

Da Fukn Guru
Brian Haner Jr. (the A7X guy under moniker of Synyster Gates) is truly sick. Bone dry tone, he is a VERY VERY clean player, flawless arpeggios and immaculate right/left hand syncro. Very impressed.

The band can get a bit poppy/cheez at times, but you cannot deny the talent... not to mention some of the vocal harmonies are totally aces. I actually really like that band. I would have no problems wearing their shirt to a Cradle of Filth show. LOL. =)
Holy shit the Avenged Sevenfold single is awesome. I heard it on my XM satellite radio thing a week ago, and I was out as soon as it was over I headed to the nearest Best Buy and bought the cd. Yes the material can get cheesey Ether said, you can't deny the talent at ALL. Great stuff. The best part is they are getting local radio airplay here in SA-town, so thats a shock. I like a lot of the songs on the cd, but I can see why they aren't that well known other than in their own scenes. When I heard the melody part in the single "Bat Country" with just harmonized guitars and hi-hats from the drums, all I could think about was Dream Theater. What he does on every song is actually very tasteful for the music that surrounds his leads. That guy is awesome, I look forward to possibly catching them live hopefully. The ONLY thing that I really can't take is the singer's voice on a song that has acoustic guitar in the beginning. He has a very nasaly voice...which fits over the other stuff, but over the slower poppy stuff. Other than that, I can't believe I haven't heard of these guys before. Mhmm.

006 - Do you mean Bat Country? Listen to Burn It Down.. SICK.. sick leads..
they are gay happy nice arp's harm'd with the next inversion but... haner/gates goes nuts on that thing..

i loive the ides in that song.. its track 2 on the new one..

oops.. track2 for vocals.. but the lead on track `..

A7X is crazy fucking good... and i say that will full conviction.(love the nod to maiden wasted years on that one).