Warbringer - War Without End production?!?!

This band is playing in my hometown soon, and being a thrash-whore I thought I'd check them out. Read up a bit about them, and found their new CD was produced by Bill Metoyer. I'm not really aware of anything he has done recently, and I was curious to see what one of these old thrash producers from the 80's could muster up these days.

Guitars sound the weakest thing to me in the mix - really outright bad sound I think. Or to put it another way - fucking terrible. Vocals are really distant and lacking I think, drums seem REALLY uneven in places, and the mix has some really nasty high end stuff going on. I wish this was done with someone else so I can actually listen to it without going mad.

Anyone else heard it?
Not really, if you've seen any other new thrash band especially whats coming out of the bay Warbringer leaves a lot to be desired. Their stage presence does not exist, except for jon running around in circles screaming stupid lyrics. I have not heard the album, but I wouldn't be surprised about how it sounded, they get outclassed all the time live.

Its kinda hard to get good sound when you play on $300 guitars and total shit low end SS marshalls. (before people start getting defensive, I personally know them all and have played way to many shows and spend way to much time on the road with them.
i know both laux and kevil personally also, but i heard that recently they switched out there marshall 8100's to kranks live

i think in the studio they used the 8100's, as for the 300$ guitar thing, i know laux uses or used a usa jackson suburst kelly, and a warmoth v he built.. both over 700$.