Guitars without a bass in the mix.

ThatGuitarGuy said:
I cut the EQ by -10db around 60hz and completely from 40hz down. I didn't cut it from 60hz down completely because of the lack of bass...but I think once I get a bass guitar it should sound alright I think? Then I can cut it down completely.

Let me know your thoughts! And thanks for the input.

The only thing with not cutting the low end is that the guitars sound a bit muffled and muddy like they do in your clip, just use a vsti bass like edirol's superquartet, just to get some kind of low end in there, hell even use cubase's built in one, to at least get some low end.
Pman said:
how do i do this?
if you are using cubase, right click the clean guitar track goto process > pitch shift then on the keyboard that appears click on the key thats down an octave (6 white keys, IIRC) unless your tuned to sharp or flat, if you dont know much theory just keep moving down or up the keys pressing preview every key and play the same note on your guitar until they match up.
ThatGuitarGuy said:
Oh yeah, I totally know that I should get a bass. I'm not sure if I explained my situation very well.

I'm just trying to figure out how it should sound BEFORE I add a bass into the mix. That way I have an idea for my ears on what I should try to aim for before I put in the bass guitar.

I'm not sure if that makes sense?

O.k. got ya. Best thing to do is grab a few C.D.'s that have guitar breaks in them. Make sure to listen to them on the same system you will be monitering through. Last project I did I refrenced the guitar in Lamb of Gods Ashes of the Wake.
yeah, but I mentioned this in the first post as well...typically it doesnt have the quad guitars in those break downs...its usually one or two guitars instead of four....

Also, for those wondering. The mic I used was a RODE NT1A and I want to get an sm57 sometime soon.

I used my Vox Valvetronix amp and Sonar.

But yeah...I hate how muffled and not...CLEAR it sounds. I hope the SM57 fixes that...or I need to tweak stuff on my amp...
ThatGuitarGuy said:
yeah, but I mentioned this in the first post as well...typically it doesnt have the quad guitars in those break downs...its usually one or two guitars instead of four....

Think about this. You just answered your own question. I don't know about you but I sure as hell can't record 4 diffrent takes at once. If you like the sound when it is summed in the mix (4 guitars 2 guitars what ever) then those two/one guitar breaks are what you are shooting for. Record 2/4 of thoose exactly the way you hear them and in theroy you should end up with what you are looking for. Also if it is a stereo guitar on the break you are refrencing then find a way to take the left or right channel, record it down to mono, and play it back. Makes it much easier.