Type O negative at the astoria

Mar 11, 2005
I went and saw Type O at the Astoria last night and what an utter bag of cack!!!!

Peter was ill/bored and clearly didnt want to be there at all. He sang pretty much everything like Vic Reeves doing his pub singer bit. The whole show was utterly gutting.....

Anyone else there??
wasnt at that show but saw them at Hellfest this weekend and they were awful at that as well! he didnt even bother playing the bass half the time.
That latest album is a stinker too!
I kinda liked them at hellfest but I'm an biased fanboy. But Peter was indeed really not into it and his voice wasnt too good either. Really enjoyed the last part where they came back to play more after the videocamera thing with johnny kelly
I love the band and have for years also really like the last album but there is something very wrong with them/peter at the moment

He also drank during hellfest (had a bottle of wine)..... I thought he quit. Yeah well, the dude seems to have massive mental problems so right now it shows. The fact that his band kinda downgraded doesnt help either (type o used to be big but right now they're getting close to the B grade). Very unfortunate, I like the guy :Saint: