Type O Negative Peter Steele


Now before you guys start busting my balls about this thread. Let me explain. In my mind, they are Old School, they have this attitude like a punk band & they don't really follow any treands, they just do what they do from record to record. Similar to AC/DC, you hear the first couple notes & you know who it is. I think the thing that they could use, is some guidance & direction. For one thing, the majority of their records appear to drag out, even the good ones!
I would have them do 9-10 tracks per record & call it good. Nothing tha's longer than 5.5 mins,I would also request that Steele, quit the second rate GG Allen act, it's so old now.
Well, the reason I added this thread to Old School, is that I picked up their last record, Life is Killing Me, it's been out for a while. With all the other stuff on the priority list, this got over looked. A very good record, too long though, that's the only problem with it.
Any fans?:D
Any Haters?:yuk:
Nor fan, nor hater. I just don't pay attention, the band has never ever got me. And that mania of singing low and slow, like grunge on hypnosis bores me double. Of course the guy is so tall and ugly I'll nver say that to his face :lol:
Walter_Langkowski said:
Great band...put on their music with a woman with you and good things usually ensue...
Well, I hate to break it to you my friend, but you are wrong!
I tried this a few minutes ago, I was getting suction, but the old lady sneezed!!!! As you can imagine, I'm in a great deal of pain!
I'm off the ot E.R. to get stitched up....
sixxswine said:
Well, I hate to break it to you my friend, but you are wrong!
I tried this a few minutes ago, I was getting suction, but the old lady sneezed!!!! As you can imagine, I'm in a great deal of pain!
I'm off the ot E.R. to get stitched up....
*fell off from chair laughing*

I hope is a joke Sixx, because it was a riot from this side. :lol:

Otherwise OUCH! and my condolences :erk:
Fan! I like them quite a bit and have really been a fan since Bloody Kisses. Their new one is excellent, IMO, and has some of their catchiest songs to date. I do agree that some of the stuff on their albums shouldn't be there but for the most part, all of their records are pretty strong. October Rust is awesome as well.
Wyvern said:
Nor fan, nor hater. I just don't pay attention, the band has never ever got me. And that mania of singing low and slow, like grunge on hypnosis bores me double.
Same here. They do nothing for me.
Carnivore like in "Massive Retaliation"? or something like it? No haven't hear it and didn't even know Steele was there.
I've got Bloody Kisses , there's some kickass songs on it (Cristian Woman and Black nr1).I was temted to get "The least worst of" , My girlfriend's girlfriend is on there, the song from "I know what you did last summer" , never got it though. It's old school goth, them and Sisters of Mercy - the only goth I'll listen to. If you say it rocks I'll check it out Sixx!
sixxswine said:
You bald bastid! I can't believe you said that about me?!
Rest assured that will never happen!!!!
:puke: Make-up?!:yuk:

must admit,cant really see you in it sixx,but it was good for a laugh huh! :D

although,not as funny as your gettin head quote above.nearly fell of my chair for that one.well done! :worship:
While I appreciate greatly CARNIVORE I also like TYPE O NEGATIVE. "Life Is Killing Me" was one of my favourite albums from 2003, especially with that great title track. This makes me want to pull out that album. *goes to listen to TON*
sixxswine said:
Well, I hate to break it to you my friend, but you are wrong!
I tried this a few minutes ago, I was getting suction, but the old lady sneezed!!!! As you can imagine, I'm in a great deal of pain!
I'm off the ot E.R. to get stitched up....

My condolences on the audio-transmitted cold to your woman :Spin: :Spin:

Mine has yet to sneeze during suction... :Spin: :Spin: