Typical Fast & Slow Att-Rel Values.

Kaleb Formz

Aug 27, 2013
Hey guys I have a question that I want to understand better than I do now.

I don't have a problem with compression at all. I know what ratios to slap on for each source that works for me and when I want a fast attack or slow release I move the knob till I hear it grabbing the source fast or letting it go slow to y taste. Probably the best approach. Some compressors have fast attacks that go to infinity for limiting I suppose and incredibly fast release numeric values.

I want to actually understand what is typical for fast, med and slow Att-Rel times so I better understand, Or so when I buy or demo a new one with a fixed times or one set by default I can already know "hey this is fast as shit"

For example I didn't know 1176 were fast as heck till I used an emulation. After looking it up I found out they're made like that. So any help would be very appreciated! Thanks!
Pretty much just listening to how the attack effects the transient. I dont think there is a way to determine what specifically is fast or slow for a specific instrument because the frequency content differs between source but i could be wrong haha.

If you're ever in doubt Andy once said in an interview he puts the ratio on compressors to 8.0/limit or however extreme that particular compressor goes when he's setting attack and release times then backs the ratio off once he's happy with his attack and release.
Typically you'd try and set those times according to the tempo of the song/part. Even on that Eyal Levi stream he pointed out that there are tempo calculators online so you dont have to bust out a calculator, just type in your tempo and it'll spit out a good setting. This was for drums, but I'm sure it could be useful for other things.
Turn em til they sound good.

Of course, that's exactly what I do. Lol not like i got any other option. Well at least that's why I posted this. I Primarily use comps with no numerical values, but I have used a couple which did have them. I think I remember seeing the same values when they were both fast and/Or slow.

Like 2.0 usually is fast on some compressors I think. I'm hoping there's a chart that shows whats fast and slow. Or if anyone here can shed some light.

Example :
.1 - 3 is fast
4 -20 is Med/Fast
3 seconds is slow 20 seconds is super slow.
Depending on the compresser you cant use the numbers for that.
on a 1176 7 is the fastest and 1 is the slowest. =)