how in the freakin´**** did u know that poem, fjelltussa?!
, yes it was these lyrics( u got it almost right)
the faroese written language is very funny for us icelanders, we understand most of it; it´s like a bastard formof icelandic, really retarded stuff!,
but the pronunciation is pretty different, I once heard two faroese people talk in front of me and I was like hmmm... wait I´m at the verge of understanding! no wait a second I don´t! GARGH!
some faroese examples...
the word for gymnastic teacher is kroppatemjari = body tamer
and the word for...ehm the nurse that help bring babies to the world is kuntukafari
= cunt diver!
garbage is burtukast = throw away
bert starfsfólk = only staff/employes , but in icelandic it means naked staff, BWAHAHAHA!!
OK I´ll try to translate it......
viljið tær hoyra kvæði mitt = would you like to hear my poem
viljið tær orðum trúgva = do you want to believe (my) words
um hann Ólav Trygvason = about Ó.T.*
hagar skal ríman snúgva = the rime* shall be well constructe(?)
Chorus =
Glymur dansur í höll = a loud noise comes from a dance in a palace
Dans sláið í ring = dance, form a circle
glaðir ríða Noregs menn = merry ride Norwegians
til Hildar tings = to battle
Knörrur varð gjörður á Noregs landi = a viking long-ship was made in the land of Norway
gott var í honum efni = it had good material
sjúti alin og fýra til = seventy alin* and four more
var kjölurinn millum stevna = the ships body was between rocks(?)
Har kom maður á bergið oman = Here came a man upon the mountain
við sterkum boga í hendi = with a strong bow in hand
Jallurinn av Ringaríki = the Jallur(?) of the state of the rings (?)
hann meg sendi = he sent me
Einar skalt tú nevna meg = Einar shall you call me
væl kann boga spenna = I can stretch the bow well
Tambar eitur minn menski bogi = my human bow consumes poison
örvar drívur at renna = and can shoot long distances
Hoyr tú tað, tú ungi maður = Hear you that, you young man
vilt tú við mær fara = would you like to go with me
tú skalt verða min örvagarpur = you shall be my arrow-hero
Ormin at forsvara = to fight the Worm
Gingu teir til strandar oman = they walked onto the shore
ríkir menn og reystir = rich men and robust
lunnar brustu og jörðin skalv = lunnar(?) cracked and the earth shivered
teir drógu knörr úr neysti = they drew a long-ship from the harbour
Einar spenti triðja sinn = Einar stretched the third time
Ætlar jall at raka = going to get ready for battle (??)
tá brast ströngur av stáli stinna = then the string of steel loosened
í boganum tók at braka = the bow began to crack
Allir hoyrdu ströngin springa = Everyone heard the string burst
kongurinn seg undrar = the king was astonished
hvat er tað á mínum skipi = what is that on my ship
so ógvuliga dundrar? = that so mightily shakes?
Svaraði Einar Tambarskelfir = Einar ( the Tambar-frightener??) answered
kastar boga sínum = and throws his bow
nú brast Noreg úr tínum hondum = now Norway cracked out of your hands
kongurin harri mín = my dear king
Nú skal lætta ljóðið av = Now the poem shall be put to an end
eg kvöði ei longur á sinni = I will not compose poems more for now
nú skal taka upp annan tátt = now the second chapter will begin
dreingir leggi í minnið = put that to mind, chaps
*Ólav Trygvason( the norwegian king that christianized Iceland and the Faroes)
*alin =( a measure from elbow to fingers)
* rime; ríma (a form of traditional poetry in Iceland and Faroe islands, of which men entertained themselves)