Tyr ( no not that one)


Jan 27, 2002
I just got the CD "How far to Asgaard" of the faroese folk-metal band Tyr

it´s very cool!! great guitarist and great singer!

they sing 1 traditional song in faroese called Ormurin langi ( the long worm)

other songtitles include; The rune, Hail to the hammer, God of war
the title song is about Leif Ericsson´s journey; who discovered America ( Vinland)

their main influences: Black Sabbath, Dream theater, Iron maiden and more..

they´re coming this Easter to play in Iceland, Yiiipee!

visit their homepage( unfortunately no downloads of songs available)


the album can be bought at
Djöfull: Could you give me the tracklist of
their debut album? I can't seem to find it
anywhere! This leaves me downloading
loads of Black Sabbath songs (do they
have a "Tyr" album?!) and other not so
good stuff >:eek:P I'm not sure if I got it
right with this song, but it is good -->
"Ormurin Langi" :eek:)

Help me out Djöfull!!!!!
they only have released "how far to Asgaard" so far...


1. hail the hammer
2. excavation
3. the rune
4. ten wild dogs
5. god of war
6. sand in the wind
7. ormurin langi
8. how far to Asgaard

it´s not that folky sounding as some might think, but the many of the lyrics are based on norse mythology and history
The name is so striking, the band HAS to be checked out ;)

Tyr... that reminds me that Menhir's new album Ziuwari will be out the next days... it's greatly anticipated, and I won't be home when it comes out...bad timing :mad:
Originally posted by AnsuzAstral
The name is so striking, the band HAS to be checked out ;)

Tyr... that reminds me that Menhir's new album Ziuwari will be out the next days... it's greatly anticipated, and I won't be home when it comes out...bad timing :mad:

I checked out Menhir, two random songs or something.
Great stuff. But I can't seem to fint the tracklist of their
"Thuringia", which you recommended..... So, could you
please help me out >:eek:P Do they have a site I could
check out? I can't seem to find much on this band....

Have you heard this band -->

I searched for Menhir on mp3.com and one of Butterfly
Temple's songs were written to be "simliar" to Menhir's...
Not bad stuff either :eek:)
Of course, here are the informations :

http://www.ziuwari.de/ - Official Menhir home
http://www.odroerir-fix.de/frameset.htm - Official Odroerir home (Menhir sideproject - folk-metal ;) )

Setlist of Thuringia:

01 - Intro
02 - Die Kelten
03 - Schwertes Bruder
04 - Thuringia
05 - Einherjer
06 - Das kleine Volk
07 - Bonifatius
08 - Instrumental
09 - Woman of dark desires (Bonustrack - that one is one kick ass cover!!)

Heard Butterfly temple, only some songs so far, but they seem really great, also folk n' metal mix :cool:

edit: It would seem like both homepages are only available in German... hope you can understand it tho? If not, I might help with it, if necessary!
@Djöful:could you get the lyrics to "Ormurin langi"? i'd like them in faroese, but it would be great if you would translate them too!:D
i know that faroese is quite similar to icelandic, so this shouldn't be much of a problem! of course, if you like to get something german translated, don't hesitate to ask me!:D

Fleischwolf (the languagefanatic!)
I'd very much like to coem to audiogalaxy, and I tried once, but I didn't understand much of it.... erm, I'm not very good with things like that, I must admit....

@Djöfull: "Ormurin langi", you said that was the traditional "Ormurin langi"? That "vilja de høyra kvedet mitt, og vilja de ordi tru"-song? Um, don't know the lyrics in faroese or icelandic, but I guess you understand which song I mean...? Iih, it'd be fun to hear that song from a metal band!! :)
Originally posted by Fjelltussa
I'd very much like to coem to audiogalaxy, and I tried once, but I didn't understand much of it.... erm, I'm not very good with things like that, I must admit....

I didn't understand Audiogalaxy at first either,
but I didn't give up, cause I found all the songs
I'd been looking for forever there, so I had
no choice >:eek:P

Just give it some time and read all the
"guidelines" that you get on the site.
It's actually quite simple once you get into it :eek:)
And now, I can't live without it >:eek:)
Originally posted by Fjelltussa
I'd very much like to coem to audiogalaxy, and I tried once, but I didn't understand much of it.... erm, I'm not very good with things like that, I must admit....

@Djöfull: "Ormurin langi", you said that was the traditional "Ormurin langi"? That "vilja de høyra kvedet mitt, og vilja de ordi tru"-song? Um, don't know the lyrics in faroese or icelandic, but I guess you understand which song I mean...? Iih, it'd be fun to hear that song from a metal band!! :)

well, just download the whole thing and register at audiogalaxy! you can come with any question you have!:D :) :D :)
how in the freakin´**** did u know that poem, fjelltussa?!
, yes it was these lyrics( u got it almost right)

the faroese written language is very funny for us icelanders, we understand most of it; it´s like a bastard formof icelandic, really retarded stuff!,

but the pronunciation is pretty different, I once heard two faroese people talk in front of me and I was like hmmm... wait I´m at the verge of understanding! no wait a second I don´t! GARGH!

some faroese examples... :)

the word for gymnastic teacher is “kroppatemjari” = body tamer

and the word for...ehm the nurse that help bring babies to the world is “kuntukafari”

= cunt diver!

garbage is “burtukast” = throw away

“bert starfsfólk” = only staff/employes , but in icelandic it means naked staff, BWAHAHAHA!!


OK I´ll try to translate it......

viljið tær hoyra kvæði mitt = would you like to hear my poem

viljið tær orðum trúgva = do you want to believe (my) words

um hann Ólav Trygvason = about Ó.T.*

hagar skal ríman snúgva = the rime* shall be well constructe(?)

Chorus =

Glymur dansur í höll = a loud noise comes from a dance in a palace

Dans sláið í ring = dance, form a circle

glaðir ríða Noregs menn = merry ride Norwegians

til Hildar tings = to battle

Knörrur varð gjörður á Noregs landi = a viking long-ship was made in the land of Norway

gott var í honum efni = it had good material

sjúti alin og fýra til = seventy alin* and four more

var kjölurinn millum stevna = the ships body was between rocks(?)

Har kom maður á bergið oman = Here came a man upon the mountain

við sterkum boga í hendi = with a strong bow in hand

“ Jallurinn av Ringaríki = the Jallur(?) of the state of the rings (?)

hann meg sendi” = he sent me

“Einar skalt tú nevna meg = Einar shall you call me

væl kann boga spenna = I can stretch the bow well

Tambar eitur minn menski bogi = my human bow consumes poison

örvar drívur at renna” = and can shoot long distances

“Hoyr tú tað, tú ungi maður = Hear you that, you young man

vilt tú við mær fara = would you like to go with me

tú skalt verða min örvagarpur = you shall be my arrow-hero

Ormin at forsvara” = to fight the Worm

Gingu teir til strandar oman = they walked onto the shore

ríkir menn og reystir = rich men and robust

lunnar brustu og jörðin skalv = lunnar(?) cracked and the earth shivered

teir drógu knörr úr neysti = they drew a long-ship from the harbour

Einar spenti triðja sinn = Einar stretched the third time

Ætlar jall at raka = going to get ready for battle (??)

tá brast ströngur av stáli stinna = then the string of steel loosened

í boganum tók at braka = the bow began to crack

Allir hoyrdu ströngin springa = Everyone heard the string burst

kongurinn seg undrar = the king was astonished

“ hvat er tað á mínum skipi = what is that on my ship

so ógvuliga dundrar?” = that so mightily shakes?

Svaraði Einar Tambarskelfir = Einar ( the Tambar-frightener??) answered

kastar boga sínum = and throws his bow

“ nú brast Noreg úr tínum hondum = now Norway cracked out of your hands

kongurin harri mín” = my dear king

Nú skal lætta ljóðið av = Now the poem shall be put to an end

eg kvöði ei longur á sinni = I will not compose poems more for now

nú skal taka upp annan tátt = now the second chapter will begin

dreingir leggi í minnið = put that to mind, chaps

*Ólav Trygvason( the norwegian king that christianized Iceland and the Faroes)

*alin =( a measure from elbow to fingers)

* rime; ríma (a form of traditional poetry in Iceland and Faroe islands, of which men entertained themselves)