U.S mates... Bernie Sanders?

He would be the perfect candidate for the people.

America is a nation of immigrants (As the progressive mantra goes), all with distinct cultures, values, traditions and interests. Which does he best represent? For which people would he be the perfect candidate?
America is a nation of immigrants (As the progressive mantra goes), all with distinct cultures, values, traditions and interests. Which does he best represent? For which people would he be the perfect candidate?

He would be the candidate for working class people. He has talked about and voted on plans to support the lower and middle-class people and raising taxes on those that are doing much better financially.
He would be the candidate for working class people. He has talked about and voted on plans to support the lower and middle-class people and raising taxes on those that are doing much better financially.

I haven't heard him mention the criminals on Wall Street or the Federal Reserve. Has he mentioned the actual problem in our financial system, or is he ignoring it and pointing his gun at Capitalism? Can you provide me some links?
I haven't heard him mention the criminals on Wall Street or the Federal Reserve.

Literally all Bernie Sanders talks about is how the 1% and Wall Street are fucking the country. Listen to any speech he's ever given.

As for the alleged criminals in the fed, he's called for auditing it http://thehill.com/policy/finance/96587-ron-paul-says-bernie-sanders-qsold-outq-on-fed-amendment

If you want to elect a populist, you can't really do much better. Unless you dislike immigrants or guns, anyway.
I haven't heard him mention the criminals on Wall Street or the Federal Reserve. Has he mentioned the actual problem in our financial system, or is he ignoring it and pointing his gun at Capitalism? Can you provide me some links?

So when you didn't want to qualify your statement and instead just wanted to "give [your] opinion to Chris, as an American. Nothing more." what you actually meant was "I have no idea what any of Bernie's platforms or positions are but still want everyone to know what I think I think of him"?
So when you didn't want to qualify your statement and instead just wanted to "give [your] opinion to Chris, as an American. Nothing more." what you actually meant was "I have no idea what any of Bernie's platforms or positions are but still want everyone to know what I think I think of him"?

The issues I have with BS that I did not want to address were not economic. I was unaware of his standing on the Fed/Wall Street and now have clarification. Excuse me for feeling the need to pop back in when something of interest caught my attention.