UA-D 2 SOLO w/ Classic Bundle $399 VS Building a Clone 1176 and LA2A


Nov 13, 2003
Las Vegas
Just wondering what you guys thought of this VS building a clone. Saving the $400 on the plugins fits my budget currently, and I was wondering if its worth it to just go the plugin / card route vs actually going and building the hardware myself. I think sound wise the difference is negligible at best, at least from the sound comparisons I have heard.

Your thoughts?
The hardware is far superior to the software. You get those smooth transients, the rounded smooth treble and makes the track sit so much easier in the mix with the hardware. Im very glad that i bought a clone. Totally worth if you are working on some sort of professionell level, if you are just a bedroom warrior then perhaps not. I bought a 1176 clone btw, im gonna buy a La2 for backing vocals later on.

Im using the 1176 on lead vox and on bass atm.
I can't speak for the quality of UAD, but my 1176 clone is vastly superior to Waves CLA. Tons of fun to, build too.
I'm going the clone route myself. Another AE friend of mine, who we call "The Professor", is an electrical engineering genius. He's getting ready to start my first 2 clones, an 1176 and a 1073.
I'm going the clone route myself. Another AE friend of mine, who we call "The Professor", is an electrical engineering genius. He's getting ready to start my first 2 clones, an 1176 and a 1073.

You buying kits dude?
dont forget the waves cla..
after using the uads for about 5 years..... Im getting cla compressors
Nothing is as good as the hardware. If you can afford it buy one for lead vocals etc. It will make difference if you are at semi/pro level.

oh god yeah...
But ITB the cla is closest i've heard to Proper 1176's that i've worked with.