Many thanks.
With regard to the tone:
I feel the guitars are too loud. It does seem to have a stuffiness to it and at the same time too much/many mids and a lack of bass. Actually perhaps stuffy and "honky" might be the best description. I also reckon gaining proficiency with just one mic first (SM57) would be the way to go. Also, the rhythm tone is more middy whereas the lead tone is scooped which I feel should be the other way around.
I have no experience with micing amps


but I'll make a suggestion based on the approach I would take if I were in your position:
An approach that comes to mind would be to have headphones (with good isolation) and have both the mix (minus any guitar tracks of course) + the mic track being monitored, playing through them. Then you can move the mic around and tweak amp settings "somewhat in context" of the mix.
An alternative might be to get the best tone that you can, in the room, referencing another guitar tone from a mix that you like the sound of, to get in the ballpark. If you have multitracks(I think that's what they are called) available for a mix that you like, try to use one of the guitar tracks as a reference. Using this approach it may however be better to attempt to "get in the ballpark" using what comes out of your monitors/headphones (from your mic track) to compare to the reference.
Also, anyone feel free to say "Fuck sakes, SavageDoom! You're bloody wrong!" if in fact I am. Although I would hope that my mention of total lack of experience with micing amps would be enough to function as a disclaimer.
Good luck with your tone quest!