UFO/Pete Way question


OSA Triumvir
Oct 21, 2005
I have always been wondering about this, but could never get a straight answer: How come every time UFO tours the States, Pete Way never plays here? He seems to always have Visa problems or whatnot. Could anyone here give a straight scoop on why he never plays with UFO in the States?
Not sure about past tours but this year he is battling a serious health issue. I saw him long ago when Paul Chapman was in the band, hope he is doing O.K. -
Yep you got it. He pissed of the US INS and was booted out of the country. He's fighting to come back for the UFO 40th anniversary but he is also sick with liver disease, so who knows what is going to happen. I am happy to say that I have seen Pete Way play with Waysted and UFO more than 12 times!
