UFO Showtime

Sep 11, 2002
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Just picked this one up and was very happy I did. Two dvds with some awesome bonus songs live in the studio with strings. Very good. Vinnie Moore and Jason Bonham really put on a show. Too bad I missed them last year.

Blinded By a Lie

I was fortunate to have seen UFO on both tours since they brought on Vinnie Moore and Jason Bonham,who have breathed new life into the band.Phil Mogg looks and sounds great both live and on the new DVD.Too bad. Pete Way may not ever be allowed into America again,although that leaves enough beer for the rest of us.The magic of Strangers In The Night can never be repeated,but the new Dvd is still worth watching.Steve
I'll need to get my grubby little mitts on that. I saw UFO yonks ago at the Reading Festival, think they were the Saturday night headliners. They were absolutely incredible but the strange thing is that was the one and only time I saw them. Love to Love is my all time fav UFO song, I could listen to that for about 12 hours at a time and never get bored with it. Awesome guitar solo halfway through and at the end. In fact I think I'll just stick it on right noo:D :D