UK elections =[

Do you even know what the fuck you're talking about?

I'm Scottish. I witnessed the decline after Labour took power first hand.

I watched the right to free university education be swiftly snatched from me in favour of 12 year olds who get pregnant in order to get a free house and to never have to work a day in their lives and Drug addicts getting preferential treatment over those of us who have intentions toward contributing to society.

So yes.

I could go on but I won't because I'm not interested in a debate.
Whilst I can understand the Labour hate, because selling each other peerages, taking the country to illegal wars, selling off the gold reserve at the lowest possible value and paying the banks off with public money when it helped deregulate them in the first place, I don't understand the Tory support here.

Scotland is a country that the Tories have been trying to fuck over since Thatcher tried to introduce the poll tax in, slashed our industry and left many people jobless and penniless. David Cameron, for all his smiles and niceties is just another extension of that, wanting to cut the Scottish funding, give the rich tax breaks and further privatise the public sector health, postal and education industries. On top of that the Conservatives also started this bank deregulation trend in the first place.

The idea that Cameron is somehow going to help anyone here is nonsensical, he'll put the squeeze on us at the first opportunity and the rest of what you say just sounds like someone who reads the Daily Mail talking, there's no reason at all to punish the working classes after leaving them unemployed with no hope of climbing up the social ladder. The Labour party never did anything for them either, the rich have got richer and the poor have got poorer. It's a shocking situation to even be in.
I'm Scottish.

Yay, another Scottish person on the sneap forums. :)

BNP video was quality. How can you blame the group? He asked them how many of them were robbers just out of nowhere in the first place. Power to the (coloured) people!
I heard about that BNP incident alright, didnt know there was a video. Thanks for posting that. He really asked for that though by calling them Robbers. I've only been here for 4 months now, but I see why the BNP have the reputation that they have. It's just a shame I didnt register in time to vote, although admittedly, I didnt know I could (Not being a UK citizen and all)
Still very interested to see how all this plays out :D
little bastewards. Boris's sausage vid is pretty cool mind!

probably my favourite Boris video...

But yeah... my 18th is actually next wednesday so i was 6 days out from voting, not that it would have made a difference. But it looks like i might be voting sooner than 4 years away afterall aha
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