UK Stoner Rock mix

James Murphy

Mar 26, 2002

... click on Cleese.

top track only, "Blackened Sunrise"

or for better quality from a non-myspace player, go HERE, turn off the myspace player after it loads, and then go to the "Sounds Like" section and click on the top track in the player there, Viking Skull - "The Blackened Sunrise"

that's the only track i mixed for them, and they're using it on an EP, The Blackened Sunrise EP, that's initially being given away with the first 2500 sold of their new LP, "Chapter Two", and then i believe it will be sold separately after that.

Awesome sound as always dude!

Your mixes always have a very cool 'attitude' to them. But not in a bad, pumpy-too much compression kind of way :)

In a 'FUCK YEAH, DUDE' kind of way.

Cool, my band gigged with these guys a few years back. Nice people!
yes they are. i guess i should have posted this in the "Are the guys in insert-band-name-here cool?" sub-forum... i tried, but i couldn't find it.... where's the frenchie??

oh jeeez... lol... look,i had no D.I.'s... so that's their guitar sound, their bass sound, and the few samples there are came from the session i was sent. just the fact that you know me for mainly metal guarantees that someone was going to say that.... ha ha.... OK, it doesn't should shit, i'll give you that, but who says Stoner Rock has to sound shitty? c'mon, it's a rock song and a rock mix. you guys are thinking too hard. lol.

and if it sounds a bit more on the metal side, well then clearly that's the band's sound, because i only worked with what they sent me. don't over-analyze the "stoner rock" label. i'm tired of über-anal, overwrought genre profiling anyway..... and this thread is about whether the band and the mix is good or not... not to debate genres of bands or genres of mixes.... i prefer to leave that to 14yr old trendy scene kids....

scenester 1 "no dude, MCR isn't metalcore.. they're post-punk/neo-metal rockcore!!"

scenester 2 "no screw you man, MCR is a subgenre of punk-pop/circusmetal, yer stooopid!!"

me "die you little assholes, or go buy some more white leather belts or mascara or something... they sound like Rock to me"

so do you guys like VIking Skull and my mix, or what??

I like the mix A LOT! The guitar/bass sound is just excellent! The whole mix definately has that stoner rock/metal feel to it and it also has that J.Murphy "signature quality & sound" to it. If they didn't want to go for a bit more metal sound they propably wouldn't have asked Mr Murphy to mix it in the first place... Can you tell us what guitar & bass gear they used. One of the coolest sounding mixes I've heard in a while.
I like the mix A LOT! The guitar/bass sound is just excellent! The whole mix definately has that stoner rock/metal feel to it and it also has that J.Murphy "signature quality & sound" to it. If they didn't want to go for a bit more metal sound they propably wouldn't have asked Mr Murphy to mix it in the first place... Can you tell us what guitar & bass gear they used. One of the coolest sounding mixes I've heard in a while.
you know, i didn't ask... so i really have no idea what they used... though i'm sure a Les Paul and/or an SG were involved. as far as amps they have Blackstar Amplification in their myspace top 8, so perhaps they used one of those and maybe a Marshall.... i'll ask.
check the video on their myspace site.... directed by Bam Margera.

and the female star is very nice indeed.

this song and video were released on Viva la Bands, Vol. 2 but it's not my mix on either... that was already locked in with the old mix before i was asked to remix the song. the version of the vid on their myspace site is my mix but the compression just kills it.... worth checking for the hottie all the same, ;)
Man this sounds killer! It's way punchier and more precise sounding than most stoner/doom metal but it still has plenty of "vibe" to it. Another killer mix!
Nice one, James. I like the direction that your production style is developing in. Only real qualm I have is that the drums are a little bit too much of that rigid, sample-based sound for my own liking, but I suppose that's the price we pay for clarity and consistency. On the whole though, great. Best of luck with future projects.
Nice one, James. I like the direction that your production style is developing in. Only real qualm I have is that the drums are a little bit too much of that rigid, sample-based sound for my own liking, but I suppose that's the price we pay for clarity and consistency. On the whole though, great. Best of luck with future projects.
thanks ermin. not so much samples on this though, comparatively.... they are there, but quite low on snare and toms... especially the snare. the Drummer is Jess Margera.. and he's solid and consistent so you may be keying somewhat on that and mistaking it for heavy sample replacement.... just wasn't needed so much on him though.
Sounds decent James, not to metal at all. Just sounds current.

I remember when I first met Roddy, he was guitar tech for Raging Speedhorn and I found him trying to steal a large clock from the venue I worked in.

Its funny seeing them with slick videos and slicker mixes when they started off as a bit of a joke to get free beer at jam nights in my local pubs.