UK Tour setlist


Nov 17, 2001
Sorry this isn't in any order at all (except the first and last songs), but here are the songs they played last night:

Let The Knife Do The Talking
A Thousand Lies
Inferior Devoties
The Fourth Dimension
Impotent God
Adjusting The Sun
Carved Up
Roswell 47
Until The End
Fractured Millennium
Fire In The Sky
Turn The Page
The Final Chapter

I think that's it. I'm sure someone will correct me if I've missed anything or maybe even put them in order. They were great by the way!
Just got back (yes... 6:40am), what a great fucking gig... it was worth the 6 hour wait at the train station to get home. They played the same songs, except playing Apocalypse instead of The Fourth Dimension... and at the end of the set I grabbed Peter's hand (coz I was right at the front) and didn't let go which made him laugh :)
Yeah, it was Apocalypse in Glasgow too - I realised my mistake after I posted the list. I'm so crap with song titles... doh!
Yep , only another 10 years or so!

BTW completely off topic , but seeing as your fairly local Sisterofnight , can you enlighten me as to why Tap and Tumbler has shut down?
Damn good setlist! But only one thing, Let the knife do the talking should be gone and put in Fearless instead! :rock: