UK tour?

The Fallen Angel

New Metal Member
Feb 21, 2007
Does exactly what is says on the tin rly!

Any chance of some UK dates this year. the Maidens sound great n Id love to see them live!
I've been on about this since I joined this forum, but it's not really up the ladies as I know they've all said they'd love to come to the UK. They need the right promoter to bring them over and set up some shows for them. I really hope they can come over sometime soon cos I really want to see them (just not this summer cos I've got too many gigs coming up and not enough money! :lol: )
Iv only got one gig this year as last was before xmas! Im in need of another rock n roll fix.
tho the december gig was Iron Maiden- n what a gig it was!
Iv only got one gig this year as last was before xmas! Im in need of another rock n roll fix.
tho the december gig was Iron Maiden- n what a gig it was!

My gig calendar is fairly filling up!! Just trying to get planes, hotels etc booked for going to see Metallica in Scandinavia!!! :kickass:

Which gigs did you go to? I was at Glasgow and Newcastle - on the barrier for both!! :headbang:
I was a he last time i checked! ;) I see ur an Ozzy fan Matallicat...r u seein him this year? Il be at Wembely, tryin to teach my brother how to rock! :kickass: :headbang:
I was a he last time i checked! ;) I see ur an Ozzy fan Matallicat...r u seein him this year? Il be at Wembely, tryin to teach my brother how to rock! :kickass: :headbang:

I like to put both just in case!! Then I don't offend anyone - I can't tell you the number of times that people have thought I'm a guy on the net!! :lol:

Unfortunately no, if I was going to be going to Wembley around that time, it's be for Pearl Jam!!!! Anyway, London's not exactly local for me and I'm spending a good few hundred pounds stalk....err, I mean following Metallica around on tour this summer. :D Going to see them in London (when it's announced), Oslo, Stockholm and Helsinki!! I can't wait!! My mate's going tho, but that's more for BLS - she LOVES them!! :headbang: What a great brother you are!! I have my brother and sister to thank for my musicial tastes as well, and I'm forever grateful to them for it!!!! :worship: